Gall bladder spasm? and 8 wks pregnant?
Answers: i developed gallstones when i be pregnant. worst pain ever. worse after labour. and they couldnt do zilch about it until i give birth. i had to bring T'3's didnt work. once i had pains for 2 days straight. ego sweat n shake n throw up. i had to dance to the hospital almost 3 times a week because of it. baby have to be monitored because the pain stayed so long and babe would be jumping around. after child was born pains would come 5 times a week! finally i have surgery and couldnt be better. good luck.
Could be, especially if it started after intake a fatty meal. See your doctor. They can remove your gallbladder while you're pregnant. step see a doctor, about 2 years ago one dark I woke up with severe right upper abdominal stomach-ache and it went into my upper posterior, nothing I could do would form it go away. I be so scared. eventually it subsided. I work surrounded by a hospital, and the pain be back within the morning, I called contained by sick and said that I would see how I felt around noontime and come in, shortly after that it go away or where I could button it and I decided to stir into work. I got in the order of half route to work and it came support I told my boss what was going on and I would work as long as I could which be about 15 mins. I thought give or take a few just going home and trying anything I could possiable do to help the misery but lucky for me, I decided I would turn to the Emergency Room to see if they could at least impart me something for the excruciating pain. righteous thing I did, my gallbladder be FULL of stones. I had to own emergency surgery. talk nearly a lot to whip in adjectives at once..I was thinking possiably I have indigestion or something.