My lower stomach hurts after have sex?
Answers: It is possible that the prolonged motion and pressure from the infiltration of the penis, has cause some cramping in your lower intestinal tract. All of the essential organs, the digestive system and the reproductive system, are all so close together. It is unproblematic to cause injury or upset one through over stimulus of another. Sometimes rough or vigor us sex can basis alot of pressure on the lower intestines. Some women even complain that they get diarriah or perceive constipated for a day or two, accompany by cramping and stomache aches, It will outdo. You may want to use a heating pad(Put a towel bewteen your skin and the heat pad) or take a heat up epson salts hip bath. It may help releave the cramping by relaxing the muscles, theeby releaving the discomfort.You ay want to talk next to your partener, and decide on some gentler technique that are just as pleasurable, that will mete out less discomfort afterwards.
I've have that before. It be because he was longer than I am reflective. When in the middle of sex, you may not observe the bumping against the ending wall of your strait, but you'll feel it the subsequent day. Try asking him to stir most all the bearing in, but not adjectives. See if that helps.