my good friend have some body odor issues. i go by his house sometimes and his room is other clean. he have a washing appliance. and a closet full of clothes. i know for a fact that he's a verbs person. but for some defence he can smell really bad. i dont know if he notice or not, but i cant stand it when people discuss about him. he's close to my brother. we've had alot of similar hardship growing up and we were other together as kids. its confusing to me how someone so clean can smell so unpromising. he has a bunch of colognes and soaps and axe bodywash. in reality when i run out i can always ask him for some because he buys a bunch. i wonder if he buys adjectives that stuff because he is aware of his problem and is trying to deal near it, or he is buying it just close to anyone else would. should i talk to him in the order of it? its getting worse and people gossip really bad in the region of him. i know i would want someone to tell me if i smell desperate. but even if i tell him, what could be cause a clean guy to smell approaching that?

Answers:    First don't worry almost hurting his feelings, any true friend would welcome having a friend who worried plenty to want to let him know going on for the problem. Sit down with him and make clear to him that you would not hurt his feelings for anything but he desires to know that he has a body odor.

Let him know that you know he bathe and uses deodorant and cologne but that there are some associates in the world that hold a chemical imbalance within their bodies that produce an odor that the person themselves might not realize.

Then direct him to the websites below. They explain the body odor and hold multiple remedies for getting rid of it. There are commercial products as well as homeopathic remedies.

Either agency he goes he will appreciate that you thought ample of him to help him find a solution.

Good Luck
be close to 'hey this deodrants really good, try some' lol I muse you just own to be honest with your friend and submission to go shopping near him to get the right deodorant. It could be something to be exact medical also and he should see the doctor if the problem continues.
Tell your friend about "his issue" and what ppl are discussion about .. and he might grasp embarest or angry. but he'll get over it.. Maybe he'll thank you :) .. i'd thank you if that be me ;) It could be that your friend needs a prescription deodorant. If its a particular thing that he have all those wash and deodorants ask him why he keeps so much around. If he say cuz he has an should convey him maybe he should see a Dr. Alot of citizens have over-active sweat glands and its nought to be ashamed about. The smell is cause by bacteria on the skin that nurture on the sweat oils excreted and deodorants any stop the sweat (anti-perspirant) or mask the smell (deodorant). If it be my friend I would bring it up because maybe your friend doesn't know that a doctor can treat it. Good Luck and hope this be helpful!
a moment ago tell him and inspect the fact that he stinks. it will startle him into scrubbing his pits and not one a skank. Your friend needs to see a Dr. Body odor of that size can signal health issues. It may be that he wishes a script for special deodorant, or his chemistry is out of balance. There are some illnesses that can exact excess body odor. It could be he needs to adjust his diet. Poor diet can increase body odor. Many times the odor is caused by a buildup of toxins within the body, usually from a poor diet.

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