I have my spell 2 weeks ago, i own another right very soon, what's arranged?

today is the second day of my second interval for this month. The flow is not strong, it's weak. And the color is not fresh red but manner of brown. I've been have irregular periods since 5 years ago (the days that my usual interval arrives always changes) but i've never skipped a month. I have safe sex 3 days ago, perchance it did something that made blood come out? please tell me what are the possible reason why my body is like this.

Answers:    If your period have other been irreglar consequently I would suggest that it is just that. The colour of the blood is nought to worry roughly, indeed I would be more concerned if it was bright red as this may suggest an injury. I come up with your body is just human being irregular and think you should purely relax and not worry around it. if ou are worried go and see someone roughly it. There are a number of option, your GP, A & E or a local clinic for young relations ( I am suspecting that you are quite young).
Hope adjectives is well and sure it is.
travel see a Doctor to be safe! this could be that something go wrong.. There are a number of reason you could be having an irregular extent.

If you're stressed a lot that could be the apology. Or you could have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which is a hormonal inequity. Both can be managed through diet, exercise, and medication. Or if you're young-looking and still going through puberty your body will be irregular for a while.

But I would suggest going to your doctor and having blood work done to be sure.
Alot of those have irregular period, you could not have any for 2 months afterwards have it rotten and on randomly for two months.

There are alot of reason this can happen, perchance a poor diet or a diet lacking surrounded by certain vitamins, it could be stress related, if you mull over having sex could hold hurt you in any path to cause blood afterwards that could be the cause,

but it shouldnt rob 3 days for you to notice!!

All women hold different cycles, it sounds normal, but if you enjoy any doubt then see a docter.

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