Why does it hurt so much when you start your length?

I really don't like adjectives these cramps when you start your period. They are so annoying!

Answers:    Cramping is mundane when you start your period. Especially if you enjoy not had children or are below the age of 25. Cramps are merely uterine contractions working to expel the endometrium. However, if you are experiencing cramps that prevent you from doing normal accomplishments, that is not usual and could signal a more severe health problem similar to endometriosis and you should visit your gynecologist.

It is also more adjectives to have cramps when you hold ovulated. For women that have an anovulatory cycle, period are often come minus cramps.
Cramps.everyone has them and hate them!! The best things to do are take an Advil, after try not to think going on for them at all, do some stretching and exercise, apply grill to it and eat chocolate or raisins(i know its strange but it works) Sometimes birth control pills can help peroxide periods and oblige lessen cramps if you have them really doomed to failure. Check with a gynecologist.
It's your uterus contracting. Your uterus is a muscle, so when it contracts too much, it cramps up, a short time ago like any other muscle. Like when you overdo the exercise and your legs burn.

I've hear that labour contractions are only like time of year pains, but like 10x worse lol
Every girl is different. Some girls own horrible cramps, and other girls have none. We newly gotta smile and be as positive as we can. We have them bcause the uterus muscles work definite hard when we get periods! Good Luck! =) Kimi the uterus go through small contractions to help shed the inside layer. take an ibuprofen OR naproxen and a tylenol. NEVER steal naproxen and ibuprofen together although a tylenol can be combined with any one.
I started my period at institution and I didn't even know. there be no cramps or anything. Some girls have them and some don't. my mom have cramps and I don't. Well take a misery pill and move on. It will be over soon. your womb contracts to serve you shed the lining, so the blood comes out, ew. put a hot hose down bottle on your tummy to get rid of the cramps, and also try lying on the floor near your legs up against the wall, it really helps next to the pain, and pinch ibruprofen or paracetemol when it gets really bleak
i never got cramps. lucky me :] Because your uterus is knotty at work. You know like when you excersise for a long time and you take muscle cramps, that's basically what cramps are.

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