Menses on couch?

My wife, through not her fault, bleed her menses on sofa. We verbs, but stain is persisting. May I sit on sofa? I ask because neighbor his dog come into house and other go to sofa and smell the stain, so I come up with it not clean. I am of asking my imam when he return from low region, but not for two week. Must I burn the sofa as we burn her nether covering clothes after the menses?

Answers:    Of course not hose purifies everything wash it out and wipe a bit of perfume on it theres no need to burn it pls its the unislamic route
good lord, its simply blood. Pour bottles of peroxide on it and soak up with towels until it comes up clear. Dont clear your wife feel Dirty!!
Menstruastion is the most natual item in the intact world that God gave to women . He created women to reproduce and thats how.. Try rather hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Hopefully you won't have to burn the adjectives house down in directive to purify it.
try to rent a cleaning machine from somewhere. one that cleans runner and upholstery. or take bad the cushion and take it to the dry cleaners put a wipe or tampon on the couch.
when people come over, of late say
the couch have it's period :D

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