I am twleve and my period is 2 days early. It is very light and it is light brown. Is this bad????

Answers:    yeah this is fine, the brown blood is blood from last month it will be red soon.
as your young your periouds will be irregular so don't worry.
after a year they should be normal.
No, this is not bad at all. It is completely normal. You are still very young, and your period is still working itself out. I know it's hard not to freak out about these things, but try not to. Right now, what is happening inside your body is that your period is in the beginning stages. It has somewhat started, but it's more of a warning of what's to come. The light brown coloring is actually from your prior period. I know it sounds gross, but sometimes there is a little build up of blood. So, when you start your period the next month, the old blood is the first to come out. You will start to notice red blood coming out soon. This also can happen in the middle of your cycle - during ovulation. Don't freak out about that, either. I wish I had someone who was able to tell me these things when I was 12. I freaked out about everything. It's normal to do that. Your body is changing. You will get on track, and the next thing you know, you won't even realize that you have a period. My dear,
You are 12, its probably too early on to know what exactly is "early" so don't worry about that. and as for the brown stuff, It probably just a little early spotting, I used to get it about 2-3 days before my period, thats how I knew I was going to start. .
nope, theres nothing wrong at all. everyones periods are different and the colour varies from bright red to nearly black (sounds horrible right? haha) dont worry about how early or late you are (unless you've been having unprotected sex etc) it can vary due to stress and stuff. im a week late now so.. im not that worried about it, it always works itself out (: No honey of course not...you are fine. If it becomes to much blood and too frequent then go to the doctor. Your body will change as you get older and your period will change with it. It will be heavy sometimes and light other times. This is just a "light" period. Be happy do not worry about it..
I don't think so. Most of my periods are a little off and they aren't always bright red. When they're light, they sometimes are a brownish colour. If you want to make sure, call your gynecologist or doctor, tell them what's going on and see what they have to say. Or you can ask your mom or someone you trust. That sounds like it just means that its old blood, or sometimes, for me that happens and that how my body signifies that my period is about to come.
Wow you had your period b4 I had mines and I'm 14 its fine...its just left over blood from last month :)

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