Can anyone explain my drought of appetite to no appetite at adjectives during my extent?

Usually, I would eat everything and anything within site during this time and would also having discouraging cravings for sweets. I'm sure a lot of females move about through this, but this period that I'm have right now is strange and have brought up some curiousity and concern. Not only have my nausea intensified, one second I'll have this stronge urge to puke consequently a second later it will turn away, and my appetite..well its gone! I don't enjoy the binge feeling of wanting to put away everything, as a matter of reality, I don't even have an appetite to guzzle anything at all, which made me concerned.

It's not concerning me plenty to go to the doctor though. I'm not pregnant, i've be taking the same bc pills on the dot for over 3 years. My change contained by nausea doesn't concern me as much as me having little to no appetite. Oh and another article, I stepped on the scale and I haven't gain not 1lb, which I usually do during this time with adjectives the water retention, but I'm positively sure that I AM on my time.

Answers:    i used to not be able to get through whilst being on my term. i would not worry in the region of this. your body can change and basically because you would eat since doesn't mean nearby is something wrong so please don't worry. for me my breasts are usually really sore until that time my period and this month they weren't.

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