HELP ME!! Bladder Infection? PLEASE! IT HURTS!?

Ok, well, this is my first bladder hasnt be "confirmed" that's what it is but..O gosh, I can barely type right very soon. So please dont mind my typos. It's really hard to pee, it feel like I gotta jump real doomed to failure and then I cant..It feel like someone is stabbing me and next poking me with pins "down there" It JUST STINGS!! WAHHH!! Please, my dad lately went to buy Cranberry liquid to flush me out (?) and some medicine to alleviate the pain...
When you walk to the doctor's (please, this is a serious question) does he look at your "place?"

Thanks. Please help me. It hurts greatly =(

Answers:    Yep! That's a bladder infection (usually called a UTI for urinary tract infection). Sorry you've get one! They really suck. But this is VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: CRANBERRY JUICE DOES *NOT* CURE UTIs! Seriously! It may make you perceive better but it will NOT cure the infection. You MUST take antibiotics, and to do that you must run see a doctor. If you do not get this properly treated, it WILL turn into a kidney infection, which could be life-threatening. My mom fixed to just use cranberry liquid recently and she terminated up with a serious kidney problem that needed surgery to fix. So inform your dad that you NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR!

If you go to a pediatrician, most possible he or she will just hold you pee into a little indication cup, and they will look at your pee under a microscope to see whether in attendance is any bateria in your urine. If near is (and there is!! Otherwise it wouldn't hurt!) they will prescribe you medication.

The doctor may want to look at your vulva (your "place" :) ) to clear sure the pain isn't cause by some other problem. It is important for the doctor to look if he think he needs to. It's not really that startling, though. You will have your mom or dad in that with you to hold your paw, and it's really quick, and the doctors are other gentle and will be considerate of your restlessness and concern. They only want to lend a hand you feel better! Just remember that nearby is nothing perverted or odd about a doctor looking at you here - it's for your health! And you don't own to feel ashamed of them seeing your vulva - it's adjectives in a day's work for them, in attendance is nothing dirty or creepy nearly a doctor seeing a kid's private parts.

You'll feel better soon! Just travel to the doctor and take it jammy, kiddo! ((((hugs))))
Call the doctor man No he will make u pee within a cup if that is what it is he will know by ur pee immediately if it is a STD then little one girl he will look down there correct luck
The doctor will ask for a urine sample, but won't usually do a pelvic exam. Lots of marine, cranberry juice, Tylenol for the niggle, and maybe antibiotics after the doc confirms what the make happen of the infection is (what kind of bacteria). No they don't look at you. You a moment ago have to pee surrounded by a cup and then they check it for microbes. They should give you some meds to back the pain and some antibiotics. You necessitate to go asap because they can win even worse if left. Sorry!

Go to the ER or a minor emergency clinic that have evening hours. If you have a regular doctor next call them and they will probably christen you in something for the torment until they can see you in the morning.
i used 2 get hold of these... dirnk a leter of sprite then a cup of cranberry juce Drink as much marine and cranberry juice as you possibly can, and hold non-aspirin pain meds (but no more than what the maximum recommended each day dose is).

If you start peeing blood, if your symptoms don't go away inwardly 48 hours, or if you get a hallucination, it's time to go to the doctor.

The doctor will probably newly have you pee surrounded by a cup to confirm that there's bacteria within your urine. S/he might do an exam since it's your first infection.

Some tips to avoid bladder infections:
- always wipe front to vertebrae
- always pee after sex
- drink 8 eyeglasses of water a hours of daylight
I have so much experience beside this. Yes you need to eventually pee and yes it hurts soooo much! You really have need of to go to the doctor because on my third blatter infection doctors have to put a camera in my "private" and it hurt 4x worse later a bladder infection. I say you step the bathroom flush it all put consequently call for a doctor. DO NOT HOLD IN YOUR PEE IT WILL MAKE IT WORSE! Get yourself a worthy humping. That'll clean out the system.
you stipulation to go to the doctor. he customarily doesn't check you "down there" but he might. every doctor i've been to for a bladder infection checked it by getting a urine preview from me. good luck, and i hope you have a feeling better soon. Go get the over the counter med call AZO. It is for bladder pain. It make your urine bright orange but it will stop the misery you are having. Get to the Dr contained by the meantime and get some meds for the infection.
ok budge and chug as much water as possible. the cranberry liquid is good to. for meds try AZOs they work pretty honourable. if ur pee is regular color its probably just a bladder infection, if its really night though then thats a uti(urinary tract infection) and you should stir to the doctor. no it not a std. stay away from soda and DRINK ALOT ALOT OF WATER!! Well when I was younger and I have a bladder infection she looked at my "wang" and gave me meds and i be fine. You need to pee surrounded by a cup there for them to know. Also i remember i be terrified to thieve a leak but I purely did it and it felt so much better.
You could enjoy a kidney stone blocking your urine. You need to shift to the doctor or emergency room. At the very tiniest you need antibiotics.

If you cannot pee, the own to give you a catheter. And the nurse will be looking at your vagina. She have seem more than she care to and it is nothing to her. They enjoy to have a urine indication to properly diagnose what you have.

Cranberry liquid is not going to heal any infection you own. You need to be in motion to the doctor. And right now, it is better to basically drink water. However, if you cannot pee, I would not drink anything until you run to the doctor.

If you have a bladder infection and you shift untreated by antibiotics, you can get a kidney infection. Or an infection contained by your blood and you can also end up beside permanent hurt in your kidneys. Does dialysis nouns fun to you?
man!! this sounds like something i acquire "urinary track infection" (UTI) you feel similar to you need to be in motion pee really bad and you stir and there's nothing coming out, i once have bloody pee! i couldnt get to the doctor any so either turn to the ER or do what i had to do, stay up adjectives night suffering and spread your legs adjectives out on the bed...sorry i couldnt help! even when you grain better tomm. still go to the doctor!! you entail them meds.

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