My blood pressure is 133/67?

i went to the pharmacy beside a friend yesterday and my blood pressure was 133/67 heart rate be 72.. my friends blood pressure was 117/79 she be joking beside me that i'm dying and that my blood pressure isnt normal. I know she intended it jokingly but it left me wondering why mine be so different.. anyone know whats wrong with my blood pressure??

Answers:    Your blood pressure is a short time high. You are what we would christen prehypertensive. Try and limit your brackish intake, eat a obedient diet, and exercise. Some people only have soaring blood pressure. I know why old individuals have high-ranking blood pressure, but for younger people, I don't know why.
Don't verbs, it's normal;) Your blood pressure is resourcefully within typical limits and same near your heart rate. You have nil to worry just about. (Normal limits = anything from 100/60ish to 140/90.)

If you're concerned further, be in motion get your cholestorol tested, start drinking a better diet, and manage stress.
Normal BP is around 120/80 (some relatives even say 120/70). Yours isn't that unpromising. You might have be stressed and freaking out about something. If you're really worried in the region of it just put away right and exercise more. And how old are you? If you're infantile there's not much to worry give or take a few. That's not considered high, not large enough to dispatch up red flags. you're perfectly regular, don't worry roughly speaking it at all. as the others stated, conventional blood pressure is around 120/80. you are very close to that ,nil to worry roughly speaking!
Top number is little high, and the bottom number is a moment or two low. The textbook blood pressure should be 120/80. The top number is called the systolic and the bottom number is call the diastolic. I am not going to go into what both of them miserable because you can look it up on the net and it will explain better than I can. I would not verbs about the bottom number as much as I would the top number. Keep a check on it and see what it averages out to be over the course of a week or so, and if it concerned you after go to the doc. Blood pressure will swing everytime you take it even if it is the course of a few minutes. So, if it go up and down don't be concerned unless it is by alot.

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