Hi iam 30 i hold not have my interval within 4 months?

hi i have not have my period surrounded by 4 months and wondering why? Been to the doc, iam not pregnant not stress or loss weight in recent times wondering why and what could it be the doc said i should come back within 2 weeks and its been two weeks so simply wondering and my sides are sore thanks for any infor

Answers:    Hi, it could be thyroid disparity or a case of polycystic ovaries. If you hold gained wieght around the waist , this could be the issue. The doc would suggest you for a scan for sure. Good luck and hope you bring back well soon.
Is nearby such thing as rash menopause? You might be starting an early menopause. It happen
You could be dealing with a hormone inequality such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (an example only). You named stale the obvious reason most women skip having their period (dieting or extremely underweight or undernourished, pregnancy or stress). When you say your sides are hurting do you denote your pelvic area? And is it one sided or both? What does your doctor speak is wrong? Have you taken the birth control prior to this happening and next stopped? If so your body could be readjusting from that especially if the BC was Depro Provera. If you pelvic nouns is hurting your might have an ovarian cyst. I hope your doctor finds out what the problem is. When you have your periods surrounded by the past did you suffer from extremely heavily built periods and severe cramping? If so you might hold Endometriosis.
You need to run to a gynecologist, you may have cysts on your ovaries which will effect period. It might be a kidney deficiency. Kidneys will hurt within the small of the back on both sides of the spine. You might find yourself vice-gripping your lower waist when you touch pain. Do you grain fatigued, have poor memory, loss of libido, look drawn?

It also might be a cyst on your ovaries. If so, you might be bloated and the pain can come and turn. Look into these two things. I think one of them might be it.

Go wager on to the doctor and tell them what you want, don't ask them what you requirement and hope they'll solve your problems just because you showed up within their office. Some doctors are indolent and have to be told what to look for until that time they can get motivated. Also, obligingly log all your symptoms so you can show them to your doctor. That can variety all the difference.

Other than that, I suppose it is possible it might be hormonal, or a consequence of living a physically demanding lifestyle, like working out excessively.

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