Could this really develop?

i went to move about get a pregnancy tryout..and although u have to pee contained by a cup, i went to the bathroom [accident] beforehand i took the test and wen da doctor call me in to be tested i couldnt travel to the bathroom. so i had to drink alot of dampen in charge for me to pee again..but when i did pee in the cup it iwas merely two tiny drops. and ma test read gloomy. but although ma last spell was u consider that was ample urine for the test...or did i involve more for more accurate results.?

Answers:    Hi there again...I would articulate that if it was not ample the doc would ask you to wait and administer another sample. It really does not lug much urine to determine if you are pregnant.(more than 2 drops) It sounds as though you were hoping that you be. You can try a home test in recent times to ease your mind. I know from recent question and answers here on Y!A that you have be going through alot. Sometimes stress and emotions can result in our monthly... not to come monthly. That may be why you have not have a period since Dec. I longing you the best. You seem to be a smart chick, next to mucho love to give. Just own faith that everything happen for a reason. Good-Luck ;D
your most concentrated urine is the best to use for pregnancy test. This is normally the first trip to the bathroom when you wake up up in the morning. You could try a home pregnancy question paper first thing contained by the morning. That probably wasn't enough urine for the check from what you said.

Or your doctor could do a blood pregnancy test to know for sure.
They really should hold done a blood test. HCG theory test would have be accurate. No I do not believe that 2 drops was ample! I have worked contained by a medical lab & we would have required more. okay, ideally, you should do a pregnancy test next to your first voided urine, preferably when you first get out of bed contained by the morning. but most home pregnancy kits can very soon be used anytime during the day. you said that your concluding period be in December, do you usually own a regular cycle? coz if you do, and you still don't have your interval right now, consequently something must be going on. do you have signs and symptoms of pregnancy? but if you really are worried roughly being pregnant, i would advocate for you to have a blood try-out taken for pregnancy.

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