Can u go surrounded by the bath or ride a bike wen ur on ur term?


Is 36D Big for a just turning 13 year hoary?

Haven't you watched the Tampax and sanitary towel add? God you can do anything, even climb a mountain!! Not that i feel approaching it on a period lol!!

Are girls supposed to shave their private nouns?


Why has teen pregnancy in the cohesive states increased since the 1950's?

Good grief.

Of course you can. Do you think women don't go in swimming when they are having their period? Use a tampon if you want to soak in the tub.
And why wouldn't you be capable of ride a bike? Yes, you can. There isn't anything you can't do when you have your term. I guess you are very childlike.

How can I delay my time of year?

Yes you can do anything you want. Best recommendation is to sit around consumption chocolate lol

Why's my hair falling out?

yea you can....but if ur swimming wear a tamopn cuz if u wear a wad it will expand and it will look like u pooped contained by ur pants

Are in attendance ways to tell if a personage is going senile?

YEA YOU NEED TO bath...its in truth important for you to tub when you are on your period...because you can develope some especially unwanted odors if you don't wash down here...also you can ride a bike...your period doesn't stop you from doing a short time ago need to be ably protected with a wad or tampon

Is it normal for have a slightly bloody discharge after the check up?

You can do anything with your length (although I don't recommend hiking near areas beside bears or cats since they can scent this). Same near swimming near sharks. However, I enjoy learned that your term usually 'stops' in hose down so swimming is fine and bike riding is as well as long as you are comfortable.

I have sex on 21st may my last term was on 11th maymy cycle is of 26 days can i be pregnent when i took my pr

*shakes head*


Im on birth supposed to get my length two days ago..?

Bathe everday while on your period. You can do anything you want while on your term.

I'm 43yrs , am I pre menopausal yet.?

You can do anything during your extent that you normally would. Its immaculately fine to take a tub, the hot water can truly help next to cramping. You will not bleed into the water as sea pressure is stronger than blood pressure. You may see a little blood when you first get hold of in but it will a moment ago be what is there externally and you can avoid that by wipe before you capture in. Although if you sneeze or push at adjectives a little blood may come out. Sports are immaculately fine while menstruating and the physical activity acan help out prevent cramping.

How to i bring on a period haven't have a period since my kids come along?

yes is the straight answer, just gross sure you have all right sanitary protection when on your bike.

Sex question?

of course you can! it's not a disability

For adjectives you high school/college girls out near ?

No you can't. And i will tell you exactly why.

in actual fact no i won't its a secret.

Does anyone know if Planned Parenthood surrounded by the Northwestern region of Indiana offers free birth control?

Yeah logically you can. Some people prefer to shower when their on their length but bathing I think can sustain ease pains if you own them.As for riding a bike, wear a tampon as pads attain very discomfited.

Periods shouldn't stop you from doing anything. If they are then you should sermon to your doctor.

Vaginal discomfort, possible infection?

Are you really this stupid ?

Has anyone ever had a reoccurent fibroadenoma lump?

yes bikeing is honest 4 you while ya on period

Ladies interrogate please? Kind of personal?

yes but not a hot bath...

Could this be a yeast infection?

Yes as you would expect you can, you are meant to wipe up yourself everyday during your period!

And for riding a bike, you progress as far as you feel is right, but here will be no problem if you do if ou only wear the suitable protecion which suits you best!

Good Luck xx

Birth control: do you generate an appointment with the doctor or nurse?

Can you be preganat and still seize your period?

of course you can, i even budge on my motorbike, and have be known to turn swimming.

Why do girls flash their boobs?

yes very importiant to bathe that area when on a time.

Lupron depot. Anyone out there ever taking these injections?

You should wear a tampon when swimming and riding a bike it doesn't business.

Or don't swim at all. It's up to you whether you consistency confident with it.

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