Breast implant?

Will my breasts still have sensation thought?
Will I still be able to breastfeed?
Any adjectives pain surrounded by breasts?
Can it become deformed after surgery or in adjectives?
How long does it take to alleviate?
If my chest gets hit or added pressure for a long time (sleeping on my belly), will the sac break?
Will my breast muscles feel humiliated or in affliction with sac on top of them?
Is it smaller amount risky than under the muscles?

Answers:    Some resources on breast augmentation (hope they answers some of your question!)

Procedure overview:

Breast Augmentation FAQs (a few of yours are in in that!):

The good report is breast implants should not interfere near your ability to breastfeed. How the breast drive in surgery is performed, however, make a difference. The placement of the implant and location of the incisions play a foremost role in determining whether breastfeeding after breast augmentation is possible. Read more at:

Recovery from breast augmentation surgery take time. There is no getting around that fact. It is fundamentally important for you to allow yourself the time to treat. Most patients are able to return to their job within a few days after the procedure, but they are not fully heal at this time. More on recovery:

Locate a board certified surgeon:

Hope this help, and do plenty of research! Good luck!
the dr. performing will answer all these question. the best person who can answer this is a plastic surgeon. I would also recommend getting them done through you belly button(is in reality possible it's just knotty to find a doctor who is qualified to do it.. dr. robert ray within cali does them i know that much) doing so that way no scare on the breasts and they actually are certain to heal MUCh faster.

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