I am still waiting for my second interval to come.I am 11.It is a week delayed alreading and it still hasn't come??

I am beginning to grasp worried.I mean.I have my first period just about 5 weeks ago.And it still hasn't come.Please help me!

Answers:    Don't be worried honey. Its ok. Every girl have a pattern of their period. Just for the next couple of weeks, months, even years this is going to be going on. Its ok, everything will move about ok. Don't worry just about anything. At the beginning of my spell I didn't have it for 2 months the second time. But in a minute I have it every month. You will get hold of used to it babe. Good luck babe!
Your period will be extraordinarily irregular for the first few years, don't worry. It will come inside the next few weeks most imagined, and after a few years it will regulate itself to a pretty standard schedule. You won't be regular the first few years. You might not even receive another period for 6 months-a year. No worries.
at your ages your period will be very crazy!! single a lucky few women get regular 28 daylight cycles during their teenage years... and alot of women never take regulat 28 day cycles!
its typical to wait perchance a few months for your next time of year!
so..unless theres any chance you could be pregnant- you should be fine!
dont verbs!
ur just 11 and its ur 1st time. ive heard its particularly common for ethnic group to miss their 2nd and/or 3rd ur cycle isnt really gonna ve normal untill similar to 1 year or maybe even 2 years! dont sweat it! Irregular period when you start are normal. I be never irregular, but when my friends got her spell, she didn't get her second one for another 3 months, and afterwards she didn't get her 3rd one for another 2 months. No inevitability to worry, nothing's wrong, it's conventional :D
don't worry something like it. girls your age tend to be highly irregular, within may be times when you go for a few months minus your period. So, don't verbs dearie, it's normal. ;) if you're still not sure though, do you enjoy a mother or other trusted older feminine friend/relative that you could ask? its okay your first cople of periods will be out of schedual and thats without fault normal u may not even procure one for thenex couple months to a whole year!
dont verbs,i had a friend who get her second period almost after 6months.dont verbs it will take time for ur body to take things sorted out.so dont worry. It is completely conventional for your period to be irregular for the first couple years, don't verbs about it you are ok.
It is without a flaw normal for girls who are a short time ago starting their periods to be irregular, and in that is nothing to verbs about unless you hold been sexually live. If you are still concerned about an irregular cycle, yak to your family doctor. You are fundamentally young and it is amazingly irregular.
When I got my VERY first one it come in JUNE and didnt come posterior till NOVEMBER.

soo do not worry at adjectives
have mercy dear! It will take some tome on charge for your cycle and periods to become regular. This can cart 1 - 2 years.
It will take a impressively long time before you become regular. The first 2 years I have mine it would come once a month, then disappear for 2 months, after come every 6 weeks. It was adjectives over the place. This is totally normal. Nothing to verbs about.

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