Ectopic ... pregnancy?
Kinda approaching uh, losing my mucous plug. Chunky, bloody tinged and mucousy. This couldn't mean a ectopic could it?
I have a c/s . 6 months ago almost!
Heightened sense of smell ( i can smell maple syrup strongly in the maple and brownsuger instant oatmeal, never earlier. I smell my husbands phermones and it makes me wanna puke, I could smell onions wrapped up contained by saran wrap and didn' teven know they were surrounded by the kitchen on super bowl sunday .. just a few incidents!).Peeing every 10 - 15 minutes .. and I don't drink tons of hose down. Always exhausted and super tired. My boobs are tingly all the time, sometimes sense like I am 'letting down'. I hold breastfed before so I know the inkling.
oh, a day behind time for my period + refusal test, and - audition few days ago. Should I go to doctors to confirm ectopic pregnancy?Miscariage
Go to the doc and verify it because ectopic pregnancies are not something to mess beside. Even an ectopic pregnancy would register a possitive result on the home test. If you're thinking the neg answer is the idea for the ectopic, you can put that fear to rest. The interview reads the hcg rank and doesn't know where the embryo is contained by yourbody.
It sounds like you are pregnant. Call your ob right away and tolerate them know you're worried about ectopic.
You should walk to the doctor as soon as possible. A tubal pregnancy could be life threatening. Go to the doctor and win checked out, even if you come up fine, at least you will know you are okay.