I am on pill and I be sick?

I have be taking the pill Dianette for the last 6 months. On Wednesday I am supposed to switch to Yasmin straight away lacking the 7 day break.

However I caught a stomach bug and this morning I be sick. Does this mean I threw up the pill too and it isn't as powerful? What should I do? I use it mostly as a contraceptive.

I don't feel comfortable just about going straight onto Yasmin without the 7 sunshine break. Does it mess up your body? And would it mess up my body if I came stale the pill for a few months then put money on on it, is it better to just stay on until I unambiguously don't want it anymore?

Answers:    I'm a guy who happened to travel to your question, so I'll try to be functional, but I don't know how helpful I'll be. As far as contraceptives stir, because you're switching pills and because you were sick, it's probably a honourable idea to use a back-up method, close to condoms, if you're currently sexually active. As far as your issues going on for switching the pills, my only suggestion would be to ask your doctor.

Hope that help. Good luck.
I agree with the man who of late answered (what a sensible, knowledgable bloke he was). Use extra protection as the effect of the pill will be lessened by being sick. can't comment on the pill break situation as I am not habituated with that type. Please hope advice from your doctor or pharmacist to be secure rather than sorry. If I be you I'd ask the doctor, or phone the nhs helpline who will be able to narrate you what to do. With most contraceptive pills if you have vomiting or diahorrea they push for you to take another pill, as it is more than predictable you have vomited the pill out of your body. Use another form of contraception for the subsequent 7 days if you are sexually active, newly in defence!
Also, when you are on a contraceptive pill/patch, it is fine to miss ONE month by missing your week off. you may grasp some light bleeding, or you may draw from no period at adjectives. In my experience whenever I continued taking the pill and missed my week off, I still have the symptoms that come with the time of year ie cramp, but I never actually bled. The subsequent time you do have a interval, it may be more painful than usual. Doctors advocate you to have a week past its sell-by date for your period, in the main as a way of checking for pregnancy. But it is fine to verbs taking a pill without have a week off. Hope this have helped!
if you threw up soon after taking your pill, you run the risk of it gone down. when in doubt, find plan b because it could be a life varying decision. it's also ok to progress right into a new pack. it's freshly like chanign your pill start date. as long as you don't travel more than 7 days without, you can start anytime within that window. at hand has be a lot of studies and that it is locked. another worst case scenario, you draw from some unexpected spotting or something, not a big settlement

apparently, you can take birthcontrol pills by putting them within the vagina. some people do this if they are sick. i'd ask the doc only to be sure if would be ok wiht your brand.

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