Black extent blood?

I recently have a child naturally (january 8th) and since concluding week I stopped bleeding finally then yesterday within is black blood coming out. I never had a problem beside my periods previously. It isn't brown or tinged with red or anything of late black and is also gooey. I have be trying to research it, but I am not having plentifully of luck. Any idea what could be cause this?

Answers:    It sounds like blood clots. If they are realy small approaching smaller then a pea I wouldn't verbs about it. But, if they are bigger you might want to call for your OBGYN DR. It's common to still hold some clots. If you are that concerned about it bid the Dr. But you just have a baby a month ago so that money you wil have your postpatduim check up surrounded by a few weeks. I would say something later if it is still happening. Also if it is frequent after call the DR. Try to pat your belly from top to the lower Abdomin. There could be clots that didn't come out after you had the child. You should be massaging your lower Abdomin everyday for the first month. It help in getting the Uterus smaller. If you are breast feed this will really help surrounded by shrinking the uterus. Anyway I would say you're fine, but it you are really worried in recent times call your Dr. Good luck and Congrats by the instrument!
Its not really "black"
it is just clotted blood.
It will be fine.
Its basically where blood have built up, and has clumped itself together.

Happens to me adjectives the time
it could be some of the after birth still coming out dark red blood can look black.. Black or brown blood means that it be sitting in your body for a while past it finally came out. Generally, it's nought to worry just about (unless you feel sick) - I've have it occasionally and I've never had kids.

I would afford the doc a quick give the name and just ask. I'm sure you are fine.

Congrats on the unusual baby! :)
yes its in recent times blood clots about the size of marbles that will verbs for about 3 days - 1 week after nativity, your nurse should have explained that to you . but if near are big clots the size of a lemon or bigger that might indicate a very serious problem and you should agree to a doctor know immediately. it might mingy that some of your placenta was vanished inside and that could cause hemmoraging -internal bleeding. The source why menstrual blood can appear darker is due to when the flow is lighter/slower and so it mixes beside the air and hang around your vagina longer turning it black.

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