I'm 43 and going through menopause. The dark sweats are driving me crazy.?

Is there something that i can rob without have to go to the doctor. Natural herb or other suggestions. Your suggestions would be very appreciative. Thankyou

Possible pregnancy?

I hold had duplicate issue (Im 46) I took black cohash pills from the pharmacy - and they have worked! They embezzle a while to get into your system but once they do they really worked for me. I even quit taking them once mete out i thought "well Im glad thats over next to..." but after a few days the hot flashes were fund again!!! so needless to read out i went right subsidise on em! good luck!

If I'm a week from starting my time and I take the morning after pill will it formulate me start sooner?

You are lucky. I am 48 going on 49 this year. I still have my extent every month, goes crazy, suffer of P.M.S.
I suggest to you to pinch Promensil, its natural nouns of menopausal symptoms, I am on it for almost 6 months, feel much better immediately.

Lower back distress. Feels sharp and shooting.?

I highly recommend reading these book s"The Hormonally Vulnerable Woman" and "The Diet Cure" by Julia Ross. They roll a variety of crude and prescribed ailments to aid women going through menopause. Some of the ones that stick out in my mind form reading them are Black Cohosh supplements and Quang Gong (a chinese herb). Whatever you do , DO NOT take Provera or any other "horse" estrogens. The studies that found estrogens related to breast cancer were the estrogens derived from horse approaching Provera and Premarin.

Who nwould careif i died? shoud I do it?

I read your question to my aunt, since I'm not going through menopause - who's going through like thing and here is her reply;

I don't enjoy any natural herb suggestions, but inform your online friend that I went through that SAME entity. Had to change my sheets within the middle of the night. Your uncle slept within the guestroom sometimes. It was BAD. But afterwards I started taking some Vitamin B12 b/c I was tired adjectives the time and that seemed to cut the sweating down ALOT. Tell her I yearning her luck! :-)

Is is possible to never have an orgasm?

Keep a bowl beside your bed next to a wet clear up cloth in it, when one hits, pick up the napkin and shake it in the heavens and put it on your face and it should stop it. As far as remedies, your doc could put you on birth control pills to slow down the symptoms.

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