GIRLS i own a interview?
Answers: its tricky and takes some practice. remember the simple rule of shaving: other go against the hackle. That gets it the smoothest. Plus (for me) for some apology down there i can merely shave about once per week. The pelt needs to grow completly out earlier i can put a razor pay for there. If not, i win those red bumps. Be careful, use your free appendage to pull your skin tight. Go slow until you gain comfortable. But remember, it will take a couple times previously you get used to it.
hair-removal cream...
and when you shave it tends to win itchy when growing back so...
Good Luck
why would you want to use a cut-throat...??
you can potentially cut your self...DOWN THERE!
Wax. Don't shave it, go receive a brazilian wax at the salon. It lasts a long time and once you get hold of past the first call in, it doesn't hurt as bad anymore. I shaved for 15 years and will never shave again! Hair removal cream doesn't work and shaving hurts and single last a couple days.