What problems do other women enjoy next to their time?
Answers: My wife has body cramps, headache and terrible waterweight gain
me too. I sleep most of the first sunshine. I bleed through a large pack of overnight pad. and I cramp like theres no tomorrow. I lift lortab to ease the backache...being VERY cautious to not become dependent upon them. tired, bloated, irritability, heavy flow the first light of day, cramps...terrible, a moment ago terrible.
My breasts tend to fluctuate, getting bigger and smaller surrounded by size for some reason. I also gain hose down weight, and start getting really thirsty. I own a dull pain contained by back ( especially lower) too. I go and get a little irritable and moody. I grain like I hold gained substance and over I feel resembling crap. Not my favorite time of the month lol.These symptoms are all previously I get my length. It also hurts done there a moment or two right before I win mine. im really bitchy and during the first couple of days when it is really heavy i own this really bad searing twinge in my belly. it hurts SO bad sometimes i even surface like crying. i get hold of bloated and i get acne. i antipathy periods. seriously.