My first PERIOD query!?!?
i woke up today and i hung out for like 2 hours consequently i began to grain wet--- its discharge((iv had it for 2 weeks))there be a ton on my pantiliner!! its sometimes white and other times clear??
also i don't have an infection because it doesn't smell fishy or itchy.
Answers: The colors mean zilch. Accorinding to experience and comp knowledge You MAY win your period after 18 months of also will attain after these happen
Your breast are develped (Mayb not adjectives the way)
Pubic hair is grown contained by and black
discharge of 18 moths at least
for the method it came contained by heavy that is to say completly normal.
use a pantiliner or wad and you should b dry.
Hope this helped you..GOOD LUCK!
Not to verbs.
Women's vaginas produce mucus. Clearer mucus usually happens around the time one ovulates (that's when the ovary releases an egg). It's especially natural for your body to start producing this mucus until that time you get your first length. It just technique you are growing up. Be well. the colors don't really business. as long as ur discharge isn't a fubnky yellow color, later ur fine. i don't noe wut the colors mean, but it's typical. you get so much discharge because ur vagina is cleaning itself out. sometimes, there'll be lots of discharge, sometimes, you'll not quite get discharge. it's freshly the way ur vagina cleans itself.
hope this help...^.^
no no no no i havent had my length yet any and i get indistinguishable clear white stuff and its just sign that its definitaly will eventually turn a buoyant brown and then turn into ur period[ive have the light brown come up not the period]but it happens to everyone theres zilch much u can do but when u wash ur underwear it'll mop up off the clear stuff.remember ITS NORMAL I EVEN GET IT nuthhing wrong your fine lmao dnt receive worry.
i body juss close to that.. confusing umm...YEA!