Im 16 and havent have my interval surrounded by 3 years why? i dont own contained by consumption disorder im so confused?

wen i 1st got my time i was 12 afterwards i dint have it for a long time after it finally came backbone now i havent have it in 3 years so the second time was wen i be 13 now im 16

Answers:    you could be everyday. have your parents trade name an appointment with a gyn for an exam.
dont ask should dance make an appointment beside a geniocologist(i'm not sure how you spell it).Maybe you haven't been consumption the right foods or enough of one demanding food group.Your definately not pregnant. well even if u don't hold an eating disorder you can still be underweight ample that you won't get your time of year. altho skipping your period for several months is a pretty adjectives ailment b/c the gland in your brain that regulates your length doesn't mature til you're around 18 you should still have a time ... it just wouldn't be drastically regular... If i were you i'd be in motion see a gynocologist b/c you may have a serious problem if you skipped your spell for 3 years
Find a female Dr. or Nurse Practitioner you are comfortable next to her, and talk near her about it. She might want to run some test to see if you have a hormone disparity.
This isn't normal, but most predictable is nothing serious. Best bet, find a professional you are comfortable next to and have an exam. Good luck! It could be inheritance, medication, hormonal imbalance, etc. The just way to be sure is to GO SEE AN OB/GYN pronto. And reach a deal to your mom/grandma/aunt/teacher ... SOMEBODY who you trust. Good luck. :)
Don't worry.

It happen a lot to some of the culture.

It is just ordinary problems

Just make an appointment and step to the hospital with your mom.

Hope this help.
its usual during ur teens to have crazy period while your bodys setteling down - but 3 years seems approaching a long time!
You should really make an appointment to see your GP - and they may refer you to see a gynecologist...
in that could be several reasons why.. conceivably something like PCOS.. or conceivably just stress or anyone over/under weight - near are heaps of factors..
but its worth have it checked out!
hope this helps
this happen to my sister because she was involved beside sports. I would totally go see a doctor. It is probably run of the mill to have an inconsistent extent when you are young and your body is adjust. although three years seems resembling a little strange. It may be nothing, but better to be in motion to the doctor and find out.

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