Is it ok to bleed a little after sex?

my fiance and i basically have sex, after that, i go to the bathroom to wipe my vagina, and i saw some blood on the tissue wasnt bloody.or could it be because i am expecting my time tomorrow? or somethin else? any theory bout this? is it something to verbs almost?

Help please, don't own money to progress to dochelp!?

Having sex can induce your length to come a few hours sooner but it is promising that you may own created a touch break within your vagina form mortal alittle dry or too rough sex play. It eill alleviate fast by itself..

Definately nil to verbs in the order of as long as here is no headache..

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This could be irritation of the cervix. Tell him to stop poking you in attendance.

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its not everyday but its probably make happen you and him ripped some tissue that's adjectives you be OK it happen when at hand is lube problems or freshly feral sex

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sex must be pretty rough slow it down a bit adjectives it your interval coming

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It is more than imagined because you are close to your interval. My wife have that appear, it seem similar to sex will intiate the time of year if it is inside a morning or so of scheduled. More than feasible zilch to verbs something like. Could also evolve if he used his fingers before contained by the deed and scratched you a bit, but more than imagined the first explanation.

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Hmmmm tough one... your time is due tomorrow, explicitly most feasible what it is. Considering you enjoy no backache and did not report discomfort it is most expected.
Plus your have sex, probably resulting from your hormones going crazy as your expecting your "female friends".
I am sure you'll be fine.

LOL to answer'er number 1 - relating him to stop poking you in attendance HAHAHAHA, thats a crack up hehehe

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You could also be pregnant. Try a pregnacy theory test because I have indistinguishable problem and I found out that I be pregnant.

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was it your first time have sex
if it be afterwards some society do bleed on their first time
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