Hysterectomy Question?

My ask is, I'm 22, near no desire for children, and a line next to cases of cervial cancer. I pocket exceptionally much after that partical side, and am sure contained by time I will hold it, they adjectives have it tremendously impulsive within go and have hysterectomy's. I want to hold one, to rid of possible problems. I enjoy highly atypical period, that closing 2 months, of a moment ago spotting and some fatty days, and I a short time ago want to avoid the problems. Anyone have this issue or know if doctors will even do the procedure?



I suggest, you can procure elective surgery to prevent cervical cancer, since your @ glorious risk.
I would discuss this beside your Gynecologist. However, I would maintain your ovaries because minus your uterus, you would progress into menopause.
They might request some counseling for you to fashion sure you won't own any regrets.

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I don't know of any Dr that would preform an elected hysterectomy.

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It is not expected they would do a hysterectomy on someone your age. Especially if you own not have children and are unmarried. It would be notably unlikely that they would even complete a tubal ligation on you.
You can consult beside an oncologist going on for this and he can do test and a genetic study to engineer a opinion, but while inheritance play a role within the incidence of cancer contained by family it is not considered a tangible predictor.
Have regular pap smears annually and relax. You are not necessarily going to carry cancer because it runs surrounded by the relatives.
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