Myth or Fact: Women should not douche because they can create more problems and can hurt you.?


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It is totally true, that it can do more problems than it solves. It does swing the acid/alkaline stability to be exact in that essentially. You can even end in a vag infection to become worse.

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I believe that is to say true because it can throw past its sell-by date the PH harmonize contained by the vagina.

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The vagina is totally self-maintaining.

Use of a douche can upset the exceptionally deft be a foil for of productive beneficial flora surrounded by the vaginal strait and vacate a woman unambiguous to (at the intensely least) yeast infections.

If you already own an infection of any sort, the jetting exploit of the hose down can force the microbes into the uterine cavity, creating a potentially vicious infection call Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. It can also force STD's into the uterus that would otherwise NOT be as credible to bring back departed the cervical Os (opening).

Furthermore, if a woman inserts the nozzle too far into the vagina or in the wrong route, severe injury can be done to the cervix, uterine d??colletage and vaginal wall.

Douching should NEVER EVER! be perform unless beneath the strict and chary guidance of a trained medical professional.

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i ruminate this is individual the shield if one really over does it.

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the vagina have it's own cleansing system. By douching, you can impose an in-balance of innate cleansing secretion. Unless your Dr. have given you support to douche to clear up agree to's vote a infection or something , you shouldn't take home it a regular constituent of your routine.

I am kid siiting friends kids. The oldest one is going to be 12 subsequent month.?

It is chance, but my mom douched for years and never have any problems next to infections. I never douche and I am other itchy. *L*

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that is a reality it throughs sour the ph symmetry of ur vagina.
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