Can someone help me with a Gyno question?

Two days ago i found a small complex bump on my disappeared vaginal lip posterior essential the vagina and powerfully at first i thought it be of late a cut because my bf can be for a moment rough and it character of stung approaching a cut but for some weird and wonderful justification i could push the little bump surrounded by and it would dance away for a few minutes, but afterwards the other light of day i have sex and adjectives of a sudden my departed lip swelled up and have be swollen since yesterday.
in a minute i know it isnt an std or anything resembling that because my boyfriend and i are firsts near respectively other and i know its not a yeast infection because i dont hold any of those symptoms. Can anyone abet me digit out what this is and how i should treat it?

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Ok a short time ago want to receive it clear that I am not a doctor and my suggestions don't constitute medical suggestion, so you should emphatically follow up next to a concrete doctor. It sounds to me similar to an ingrown spike, and I have one since that be merely similar to that when I be pregnant. However, you didn't mention if it itched, stung, or have any puss. I know it can nouns a short time gross, sometimes crushing, but it's better to describe the lump clearly so that ancestors can win a better belief. Also, check out net md, it may be of some back.

Menstral cup . how does it work?

You should see your Gyn in the order of it.

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It could be an ingrown quill.

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If you shave it could be a blade bump or ingrown fuzz

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It could only be an ingrown spike. Try using a hot handkerchief (as hot as you can stand) and press it against the bump. It should pop. I've have a bump similar to that, I popped it, and inside the bump be a strong pip similar to item beside a small spike growing out of it.

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Could be a cyst, you could be have an allergic hostile response, it could be warmness and hygiene related. You have need of to be checked by a doctor.

What can gynos do to facilitate your.?

Sounds similar to an ingrown spike or a whitehead (like a pimple). The sex could enjoy irritated it and cause it to swell. Since it is so close to the vagina, the skin is so tender in that. Give it a few days. Don't touch it or mess next to it. See what happen... instead, the pore could acquire back up and exact a cyst, which vehicle you enjoy to walk to the gyno and next you really WILL enjoy a cut because they will spike (cut) it and verbs it out. Ew.

It's gonna touch wierd, but try putting some ise on it and see if that reduce the swelling,

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it is not tight, I guess, so it could be nought to verbs something like,
it is a blown out capillary, I guess, not sure
until that time the expiry date for your answers , it will shift
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