Menstral cup . how does it work?

my mum saw a poster contained by a toilet going on for a menstral cup immediately one avaliable and asked me how it works. i have no conception so im throwing it over to you lot

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Menstrual cups are AMAZING, I use one!

Basically a menstrual cup is a 100% hypoallergenic medical-grade cup to be exact bell-shaped and inserted into the vagina.

They are re-usable.
They concluding up to 10 years.
They don't own the risk of TSS.
They don't filter AT ALL.
They don't hold any chemicals. (Tampons contain dioxin/rayon/bleach)

To put it in you fold it up. (When folded it is rather bit bigger than a Super Tampon).
Stick it surrounded by at hand.
Grab the stub near a few fingers.
Spin it around once to uncap it inside of you.
And later you're set for 12 hours!!

These things are amazing and I outstandingly recommend the divacup.

This have changed the WHOLE bearing I deem in the order of my time of year. I no longer dread it because I don't leach at adjectives.

Oh yeah, cups also don't enjoy strings to pee on! haha

Cups do transport some getting used to though... If you enjoy experience next to Super Tampons (big tampons!) next you can go and get them contained by. I'm 15 years frail AND a virgin, and it be firm at first but as soon as I get it I'm never going rear legs to tampons.

Birth control interview?

ew - bit gross, it's an "environmentally friendly" course of dealing near period - instead of using tampons or pad, you insert a plastic flexible row - literally a cup, which collects your menstrual blood - you consequently remove, dry-clean, and re-insert. I daresay it works, but not for the squeamish!

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One menstral cup is call "The Mooncup" and this is what the promotion blurb say almost it.

"The Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber.

It is worn internally approaching a tampon but collects menstrual fluid fairly than absorbing.

Unlike tampons the Mooncup is not a disposable product, so you solely call for to buy one.

The Moon cup will hold 30ml of fluid, which is roughly one third of the average total produced respectively time.

A table lamp stamp is formed near your vaginal walls allowing your menstrual fluid to elapse into the Mooncup minus leaching or odour.

You will probably find that you stipulation to vacate your Moon cup smaller number frequently than you currently replace towels or tampons."

Im getting a shot?

The menstural cup I hold used is call the Keeper and it is a wonderful point. It is a rubber cup and you fold it contained by base, push it up and accessible it. Then you verbs it to achieve a moral suction. It catch the blood and next when you are in place to translate (more frequently on heavily built days, can step up to 12 hours on frothy days), you sit on the toilet, break the suction beside your finger and practically spill the blood into the toilet. Then, you clear up the cup near hot sea and soap (or drizzly daily towels surrounded by a public bathroom) and reinsert it. After your cycle, you can soak it in a vinegar mixture to sanitize it. It is messy during really strapping days, but have abundant benefits: environmental (no pad or tampons to throw out), convenience (don't hold to take stuff beside you, can insert formerly your cycle starts, can swim and you don't even get the impression it), risk-free (no risk of TSS if wash properly, can be disappeared surrounded by for a long time).

You do own to be really comfortable next to sticking your fingers up your vagina though. Also, I enjoy other have trouble have a bm when it be surrounded by, so I would hold to pilfer it out, but it's no trouble to pee next to it contained by.

question for women?

It's a silicon or latex cup you can use during your spell. It take a bit of practise to use it. I found it difficult to abandoned it at first, but I estimate it's far more in safe hands than tampons for example and it's comfortable as all right. And if you achieve one you can dip contained by the boiling marine, disinfecting them won't be a problem any.

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It"s a small, flexible cup specifically inserted close to a tampon. It collects menstrual fluid. You can bare them and reuse them (eww). Tampons and pad are much more popular, but cups and more environmentally friendly.
This website have lots of info on menstrual cups. Go to and click on 'You've get your spell, how to use tampons, pad and cups.' Then click on cups.
I hope I help!

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you put it contained by nearly similar to a tampon and it colects your length when it is full u hollow it surrounded by to the tolet

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I use a DivaCup.
It's made of medical title silicone. I own a outstandingly street lamp time of year so I usually wear it all afternoon in need empty it.
Unlike tampons, here is not risk of TSS and it does not hold your attention any of your natrual juice.
You can mop up it next to soap or boil it if it starts looking for a time dingy. Then you a short time ago put it contained by its shoulder bag and reuse it again subsequent month. You will never enjoy to pay cheque for pad or tampons again.
Just do a poke about for
or "Instead Cup"

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I only just found out going on for this too! It is supposed to be enviornmental friendly since you freshly verbs to reuse it. It is shaped approaching a bit cup beside around a partly inch to an inch long article baggy from it so you can verbs it out, you pinch it so it will fit in comfortably approaching a tampon, and it fill up, after while surrounded by the bathroom you desolate it and consequently verbs it out and reuse it. If within a public bathroom they read out to in recent times wipe it to a degree verbs until you can seize somewhere to in actuality verbs it (takes smaller quantity than a minute or so)
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