Depro or Mirena IUD?

I own endometerosis, I own have lots surgeries to verbs up some of the blemish tissue. In April I go within the hospital to enjoy a laproscopy to verbs up some endometerosis again, however this time I terminated up losing my vanished ovary because of a cyst and I also have a cyst removed from my right ovary, because of the endometerosis, I also have some defect tissue removed ( what the dr. could find at). Now the gyno. and GP requirements me to shift on the depro plunger or the Mirena IUD to backing the endometerosis and so I won't draw from anymore cyst on my remaining ovary. I hold taken the depro plunger yrs ago, and I gain 20 pounds within a month and a partly. So I am considering the Mirena, but I am looking for the inference of other woman that enjoy taken the Mirena. What side effects did you hold? Did anyone hold drastic bulk gain? Look forward to your answers.

I other wake up up sometimes contained by the darkness thinking that my throat is swelling up i win allergies?

I can`t bear the depo. I merely have 1 shot over a year ago; I'm no where on earth close to a regular cycle and they are other unpredicted. I enjoy be considering the mirena for a while presently. you can pop in the mirena website.

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Best personality to achieve judgment is ur doc. For immensity control, u can

Eat solitary when hungry and not more than thrice a hours of daylight. Nothing excluding marine surrounded by between. Include plenty of underdone vegetables and fruits contained by respectively lunchtime, preferably 50%.

Chew respectively morsel at lowest 32 times. Do not touch articles of food or the cutlery contained by between. This will set off ur body to generate strong signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take insubstantial exercises and brisk walk (minimum 20 min duration) regularly preferably twice a morning.

U will realize what u hold not even dreamt and that too contained by a logical time. Do not be surrounded by a hurry. It is however to be noted that one cannot translate the shape or size of different parts of the body.


The best human being to collaborate to would be the doctor.

However I would contained by no route recommend depo provera. Too heaps women experience too tons unpromising side affects from this shot.

Google "depo provera lawsuit" and check out the reviews on
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