Bi what/ i hope you didnt say polar part2?

when i gain an answer wrong or my writings sloppy i win angry and cry and shout and see and punch etc .etc.
i also cry when my food doesent
come out right etc. etc.
am i bipolar or basically going through puberty plz relief me

help please!?

Writing sloppy isn't a diagnostic tool, unless you own disgraphia--a condition where on earth someone have difficulty writing, or processing writing beside the correct side of their brain. Writing is difficult for someone near disgraphia because they never convert writing from self simply pictures. An "A" will be a picture of an "A." My son have disgraphia, but he started to practice his junk mail, until he be so righteous at lettering that he be commended at his university for it. They put his work on the cover of the college calendar.

Crying and screaming and kicking and punching aren't diagnosis tools any, unless you're trying to diagnose someone next to poor quirk control. Everyone have thrilling responses, some relatives a short time ago work on every one of their impulse short considering the consequences.

When your food doesn't come out right, you catch angry. Welcome to planet Earth. Everyone hate it when their food doesn't come out right. An anger response take practice. The more you practice, the better you draw from at it. Imagine an anger coach training you for the big anger olympics. What would he or she enjoy you do to carry really well brought-up at one angry? A) Hold your breath B) Yell louder C) Use your words to express yourself and solve the problem.

If you chose C), it would ruin everything. You would never win those anger olympics if you talk. Never read aloud, "I'm angry," basis it will ruin your streak. You'll downfall up sentiment better, and your probability at the Anger Olympics will travel right out the fanlight. Just remember: If you want to be right at one angry, PRACTICE!

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It's adjectives that you don't know what Bi-Polar disorder is. Do some research. It sounds resembling you hold an anger paperwork problem.

What are some of the adjectives codes you use to right to be heard when your on your interval?

Perhaps you are basically spoiled? Have you other react approaching that?

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Sounds resembling rather more than puberty to me. Go see a consultant.

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It is rugged to believe this is a serious put somebody through the mill, because the path it be written. You nouns close to you are slightly moody, but this doesn't stingy you are bi-polar. What other symptoms do you enjoy? And btw, your query is insensitive to population near mood disorders, because of how you asked it. Just letting you knw that it would be similar to making fun of somebody who couldn't put your foot. They can't sustain how they grain.

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Its probably simply your hormones up due to puberty or your time of year. Try to relax and realize that things aren't other the road you want them to be

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being bipolar money that you walk through phases (usually a few days) where on earth you are severly depressed, and you also turn through "manic" phases, surrounded by which you are really well to the point that it can be unsafe. bipolar populace recurrently find that they spend more money than they hold while they are manic.

here is the wikipedia page if you want more info:

nil you metioned make it appear close to you are bipolar.

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Being that you posted a sound out asking if you are a vampire... it's pretty honestly difficult to transport you seriously.

If you are that angry and uncontrolled over making mistakes and when your food isn't to your fondness, afterwards you have need of to procure into some counseling.
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