Recently diagnosed: Thyroid nodules AND moderate enlargement, what do I expect next?

I go into my doctors organization for a sinus infection, and he found that my thyroid seem enlarged. Ultrasound results showed that I enjoy 2 nodules on the vanished side, and the overall thyroid is moderately enlarged. My blood interview (for thyroid function) come hindmost fine. So my query is, what will be subsequent? I hold an appoint near a specialist surrounded by resembling 6 weeks :( . I thought if the thyroid is enlarged or shrunken, that would imply that it is given up the ghost properly? If my blood experiment be okay this time, could it loose change latter? Can it fluctuate? I enjoy have some of the symptoms: central fatigue, headache, I enjoy a intricate time keeping substance rotten (even near a VERY full-bodied diet and exercise), mood swings. My loving grandmother have have a thyroid problem most of her vivacity..don't know if that matter or not.
Thanks contained by finance for any relieve on the subject.

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Like you I go within for something different, allergies. I be shocked to find out my thyroid be enlarged but when I looked up the symptoms it made sense. My counts be sour though. I have a sonogram which should nodules and consequently I have the radioactive iodine uptake interview. I go to a specialists and he be fantastic, I started on 112 mg of synthroid and my counts be majority inwardly 4 weeks and my thyroid shrunk support down. I lift a pill everyday and am only just fine.

The answer above nouns much more complicated than freshly an underactive thyroid beside a goiter which is what you nouns similar to you enjoy.

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I own same issues. Mine be detected 4 years wager on... Since next it is slowly increasing... they hold done multiple biopsies .. so far it looks benign i verbs nearly it alot... My doctor say if I want they can remove it but after I will be on hormones for the rest of my natural life i don't want that. I hold hear contained by some cases they can only remove one side and not both... but my doctor never told me that pick... I will ask her again. In olden times, as a treatment substitute they also give me levoxyl for 6 months.. the growth stopped, but it did not fall surrounded by size. so i fixed to stop the medication because in attendance are side effects of using levoxyl in long run.. don't know what the best opportunity is for treatment...
I hold also hear that at hand is relation between depression and thyroid... not sure what is the motive within my bag...
anyway this is what my experience have be near these stupid thyroids... I revulsion this together crap...
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