Can you stay on deprovera till age 55 when menopause is finished? will it stop the side effects of menopause?
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Depending on how frail you are presently, you could catch some serious condition issues by staying on depo provera for ANY length of time.
Please research this drug. Check out the reviews on as resourcefully as googling "depo provera lawsuit".
I doubt it will stop the side affects of menopause.
Hi my Girl friend and i own be have problems, she have this white stuff leak out?
New gynecological guidelines recommend that Depo Provera be used for no more than 2.5-3 years. So if you started using it influence, when you be 52 and you KNEW you be going to be through menopause in the subsequent three years, you'd be fine...I don`t know. There's probably no precedent.However, be aware that a short time ago because your time of year ends, this does NOT stingy that adjectives of your menopause symptoms will shutting down. Some women enjoy hot flashes, darkness sweats, and other problems for 10 years or more post-menopause.
I would recommend discussion to your doctor going on for your concerns and personal physical issues.
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