How do you feel about the morning after pill being over the counter now?

Instead of a co-pay (for me $3) it is now $46 at my local you construe this will make race less feasible to take it?

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I don't deduce it will make not as much of people buy it. If they obligation it, they're willing to compensate for it. $46 on a pill is a lot smaller number than the financial and emotional cost of a pregnancy and raise a child, terminating a pregnancy, etc. The superior cost is balanced by the reality that it's so easily accessible presently -- if you're over 18, you can just run over to the drugstore to bring back it, rather than have to get a prescription first. I'm greatly glad it was approved for OTC purchase for grown women.

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oh yes=especially young-looking teens

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no, i ruminate people will still clutch it but you can still get your dr to prescribe it and you can use your co-pay for expenditure

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I presume that ready availability is a GREAT item.

However, I can see your point. I'm sure that if you contacted your doctor and got an Rx for the MAP call in, you'd still own only a $3 co-pay.its the mode things work with most drugs, both prescription and non-prescription.

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i fire up it. it makes girls more inclined to buy them if and when something go wrong.

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I also agree it should not be covered by health insurance. Follow some logic Viagra for a man is offset something physically wrong. Morning after is changing social behavior not a physical problem,

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I have an idea that that the price increase sucks, but I don't think nation will be less feasible to take it. The issue near it being prescription one and only is that people become reluctant to see their doctor, ESPECIALLY minors. As on OTC med, here's less of a concern roughly speaking parents finding out. For those who don't have that concern, a doctor can still prescribe it and voila, $3 co-pay.

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Possibly. However, when the alternatives are either an unwanted pregancy or an abortion, $46 isn't adjectives that expensive. Also, since it is over the counter no one have to know 'who' you are. Some women are either too babyish or too embarassed to go to the doctor and ask for a prescription. Now they can bring back it without have to divulge anything they don't want to.


I think too masses people are presently using it as form of birth control. I see girls on here saying they hold taken it two months in a row. This is not what it to be used for. It is for when you enjoy an oops.

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I think it needed to be more effortlessly available than it's difficult sometimes to rob it "the morning after" if you can't reach your doctor to bring back a presecription for it called contained by, in a timely fad (such as over a weekend or holiday).

If your insurance plan pays for b/c, I feel it should cover the morning after pill as capably...but then most insurances don't cover condoms or spermacides and those are available otc as capably.

We can't have it adjectives I guess...

I was diagnosed near Edemetretrios five years ago.?

You can still get it for free @ free clinics. and i reflect you still get them thru your ins w/ a copay. i dont assume it will make general public take them smaller amount. if anything its now unforced access. jsut pay.

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