I have an iud and want to know does it make anyone else feel bloated or other symptoms?


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What Is It?
The intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped piece of plastic nearly the size of a quarter to be precise placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Two types of IUDs are available — one is covered beside copper lead, the other is coated next to and releases the hormone progesterone.

How Does It Work?
The copper-coated IUD primarily prevents pregnancy by not allowing the sperm to fertilize the egg. When an IUD is coated next to progesterone, it works contained by a similar method, but may also prevent ovulation (the release of an egg during a girl's monthly cycle) and thicken the cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus.

How Well Does It Work?
Over the course of 1 year, not as much of than 1 out of 100 typical couples using an IUD will hold an fluky pregnancy. In reality, studies indicate that the IUD is one of the most decisive and safest methods of birth control. Although the IUD is an forceful method of birth control, it can come inappropriate and that`s why should be checked regularly to be sure it is within place.

In common, how all right respectively type of birth control method works depends on plentifully of things. These include whether a party have any vigour conditions or is taking any medication or herbal supplements that might interfere near its use. The IUD allows some flexibility for girls who cannot use a hormonal method of birth control (such as the Pill, ring, or patch). The IUD can also provide a long-term form of birth control.

Protection Against STDs
The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). For those have sex, condoms must other be used along beside the IUD to protect against STDs. One of the concerns next to the IUD is that girls who own multiple partner and do not use condoms can be at greater risk for STDs, and within's the possibility that these diseases could develop into a pelvic infection. This is true, though, for adjectives methods of birth control.

Abstinence (not have sex) is the simply method that other prevents pregnancy and STDs.

Possible Side Effects
The most adjectives side effects of the IUD include:

spotting in between period
heavier period beside more cramps next to the copper IUD
irregular or loss of period next to use of the hormonal IUD
expulsion, or loss of the IUD. For some IUD users — conspicuously teens — the IUD can drop out or become displaced and not work properly.
perforation of the uterus. There is a exceedingly minimal risk of the IUD perforate the uterine wall when it is one inserted.
acne, breast discomfort, headache, and nausea near the hormonal IUD
In yesteryear, one type of IUD increased a woman's risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (an infection in the upper part of the pack of a woman's reproductive system). That hasty type of IUD have be taken rotten the marketplace and carrying out tests of the current IUDs indicate that the risk of infection is extraordinarily small. Some experts be aware of that girls next to IUDs develop pelvic infections more commonly than girls using other forms of contraception, but others disagree.

The other concern that used to exist near IUDs be the possibility of ectopic pregnancies, which is when a fertilized egg implant somewhere save for surrounded by the uterus. This is no longer as much of a concern. In reality scientists hold found that girls beside an IUD hold a lower risk of have an ectopic pregnancy than girls who do not use any birth control.

Cant lose immensity?

No I don't quality bloated near my hormonal IUD, and I without a doubt be until that time insertion.
My symptoms are breast tenderness/soreness and swelling. It is the just PMS sign I hold...when I no longer fit surrounded by my bras and purely wash my breast hurts, I know to expect my interval (or contained by my shield a few days of spotting).

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everyone is different
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