Yeast infection...UTI ..WHAT is this! help?

symptoms are :

- burning/itching of inside of vagina
-very irratated
-urges to pee
-wierd inkling contained by lower stomach
- it DOES NOT hurt when i pee.

i neeeeed assistance asap!

I'm 27, pregnant, and enjoy osteoporosis!?

Of course you should bid your gyno for a drop by markedly soon,
but I'm thinking Interstitial Cystitis - be drinking abundantly of diet drinks? The artificial sweetners really irritate the bladder, and sometimes this happen.
Until you see the doc, see if you can find "Prelief" at your local drug store or grocery store close by the feminine stuff. It's simply a expert charitable of magnesium that really seem to relaxed this issue. Lots of marine ! No caffeine, no cola, no artificial crap sweetners ( especially Splenda ). I suffered 2 months earlier I know what to do beside exactly your symptoms. Now I with the sole purpose flare when I rumple and drink cola.
Here's a connect to see if you cogitate this might be it:
Good luck !!

Crazy Period?

you entail to pinch strong antibiotic..shift to the doctor..

I own vaginal bleeding?

it might be yeast infection or bacterial infection, you necessitate to consult a gynecologist,
you own burning,itching,irritated, it might be a mixed infection of vagina.
in that are oral pills for this which your doctor is the best. he might provide some treatment for your hubby also.

its adjectives contained by women.

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Sounds close to to me that you enjoy a fundamentally serious yeast infection. The urges to pee may be due to the inflammation specifically contained by your uterus since it is subsequent to the bladder. I would suggest going to the doctor since most likly you will requirement something stronger than the over the counter drug.

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use Lamisel for very soon until you return with a doctors appointment
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