I had sex a week ago and im pregnat and im 18 and im in trouble what do I do???


What is the point of the hymen?

This website offer a unit on pregnancy option and non-judgemental verdict making:


They also set aside frequent links to varied other organisations.

Good luck :-)

Worried My term is unpunctually (months) again!?

tell your parents. later shift over this near them and show that you really are sympathetic.

Morning after pill query?

gat a abortion

In this year, will i pregnant?

About what? I assume you be pregnant prior to ending week and have sex ?

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Whatever you want to do.

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why r u within toruble? because u are pregnant? are u upset because u are pregnant?

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No mode! You won't win pregnant after a week of have sex! Are you sure something like that? Or you have sex a month ago?

Thinning coat?

How do you know you're pregnant if you merely have sex a week ago?

Now you business near the consequences. You can any abort, take the pregnancy to occupancy and put the little one up for adoption, or you can hang on to the babe for yourself and your partner. It's up to you. If you can't be fully grown satisfactory to knob the consequences of sex, perchance you'd better reflect on for a long time previously you enjoy sex again, even if you are pregnant.

I hold a press.?

talk to yah parents u shouldnt have sex within the first place :(

Any home remidies?

Talk it out near your partner, you both try to wish what to do. Break it down to your parents. And be prepared for a time varying experience.

UTI Misery!?

how do you know your prego? i doubt it.

If your 17 and u go to a gynecologist can u bring up to date them that your sexually influential w/o them recitation your parents?

no audition would show that soon, silly person
(6weeks ago would be accurate)


tell your mum or doctor but do it express or you wont hold time to net any outcome on whether to hang on to the tot or not.your parents may be shocked at forst but they will oblige you within the shutting down

(girls answer this please)i mull over this is okay but only just checking?

Well immediately you must obverse the consequences of have sex.

1.) Discuss it beside your parents - they'll probably be foolish at first, but they'll in control down if you provide them time.

Then you own 3 choices:

1.) Abort the infant - not the choice I would recommend as you chose to own sex, but I wouldn't peacemaker you if you choose this
2.) Carry the tot for 9 months and place him/her up for adoption - some are interested adoption where on earth you choose the inherited your child go to so you can remain influential within their life
3.) Carry the child for 9 months and tilt him/her yourself - given your age it will be difficult, but it's do competent, especially if you own back from parents, familial member, and friends.

Hope this help. Good Luck! :-)

If you hold your spell and move about to the regular doctor (or pediatrician because i'm still a teen)continued

It have one and only be a week, it is too impulsive to update.

What is a nurse practitioner? My gynocologist is have her nurse practitioner do a pap smear on me. Will she?

There's no opening you can know you're pregnant inwardly a week of have sex. You own to dawdle at least possible a week after your missed time of year in the past the experiment is accurate. If you've done a oral exam this soon, you markedly expected could be getting a false positive. Chill out and hang around till the appropriate time and try again. Since you're 18, you can do anything you surface is best for you if it ends up that you're pregnant. I can almost guarantee you that have a little one will be a thousand times harder than you can even believe. But that conclusion is yours alone. Try chitchat to your parents almost it, or someone elder who you trust. Someone next to abundantly of teachings, perchance a relative or a doctor. Try to gain some really solid counsel more or less what you should do. And remember, nearby are so oodles married couples out nearby who are merely desolate because they can't enjoy kids of their own. In a instrument, you are tremendously blessed. I hope everything turns out economically for you, but you're going to have need of to preserve a cool cranium and ponder really clearly going on for what you want for your adjectives. Good luck. *hug*

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First you only just involve to relax. Then inform your parents (probably you mum first) and ask her to appropriate you to the doctor to see if your positively pregnant it could simply be a mistake. Also you might want to reach a deal to the father and see if he is liable to support this babe but for you might want to consider adoption or an abortion. Supporting a tot is frozen so you will stipulation to focus roughly speaking child support and arts school and collage. The first article you obligation to do is collaborate to your parents they might be disappointed at first but soon they will oblige you through this time don't walk through is alone and subsequent time use protection when have sex. Also you might want to speak to a trained coullser

how to regain my floppy breast? im a lactating woman?

You are one week out from have your first sexual encounter and you KNOW you are pregnant? Somehow I a moment ago don't devise so. If you are pregnant, you get that agency past second week, so very soon for your option.

1. Tell your parents. Yeah, they may cry, holler, enjoy a fit, but bottom flash, they love you and even though an unplanned pregnancy be not contained by their plans for you, they will adjust and facilitate you numeral out what the best plan is for the unknown road you are on.

2. You can own the newborn and hang on to it, raise it as a single mother. Tough to do, emotionally, physically and financially, but you can do it economically if you brand the child your sole focus.

3. You can hold a abortion.

4. You can enjoy the tot and preserve it, raise it next to the sperm donor. Also tough, but also doable.

5. Have the kid and afford it up for adoption. Also rugged, but it is truly the most magnanimous form of love for the newborn - putting your spasm, physical and exciting, losing the welfare of the babe.

6. This should probably hold be contained by the number one slot, but shift to a doctor and own a blood tryout done to be paid sure you are pregnant. Until you enjoy positive proof from the doctor, 1-5 are not meaningful.

Good luck!

I found a bigger lump contained by my breast ultimate dark?

Tell your parents. They will hopefully get.

You get the infant, procure an abortion, fetch it and make available it up for adoption, or transport it and hold on to it for you and your partner. Hope I help :]]

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This is going to be the toughest outcome that you will probably ever build. DO you want to preserve the toddler? Its not almost you its going on for the newborn that will be brought into this world. You requirement to ask yourself some really esteemed question. Are you prepared to be a mom? no going out, no anyone competent to do what you want when you want.. Can you afford to enjoy a toddler? Is the dad going to stick around? I know from experiance. I have a child at 20, and it tough. So please do what you deduce is right, not lone for you but fo the babe.

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Grow up.

Women Only: Has this happen to anyone else?

Listen do not verbs ok.I own probably the scariest mom alive. She other warn me not to bring back pregnant. You made a mistake, BUT FOR THE LIFE OF YOU>>DO NOT ABORT!

You would solely lay waste to your body, you would be emotionally depressed forever. So transmit your parents and hold on to the infant. There is other relieve, and you can other dance to a counselor to give a hand you next to this. Its not the shutting down of the world. Don't do anything stupid.

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Whatever you do, dont abort. Recent studies show abortion may increase your risk for breast cancer and lead to existence long depression and other problems. Discuss beside your parents. and if you cannot preserve the babe-in-arms, near are plenty of couples who want to adopt. Please be nontoxic from here on out and deliberate give or take a few your adjectives.
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