It's the second day of my girls period, we had unprotected sex, thoughts?

it be surrounded by her pool, second daytime, purely making sure it should be fine.

How long will this agony closing?

There is other a occasion of pregnancy when you own unprotected sex. During her time of year, contained by the pool, or both, it doesn't concern. You still could enjoy gotten her pregnant. You should be using a condom every time, the entire time.

Do you use a menstrual cup (Keeper, Mooncup, Diva Cup, etc.)?


I hold a amazingly serious query for women?

Chances are that it's fine but I wouldn't guard on it. Women can grasp pregnant on any afternoon of their cycle...

Is it harder for women that have a "c" subsection to procure spinal column contained by shape than a woman that have ordinary birth?

Just bc of the timing and it individual within a pool does not lower the probability by far for her not becoming pregnant. Use protection if you are not wanting a child. No one can honestly report to you it will be fine. Even if you did not ejaculate in her, she could still become pregnant. Use some sort of protection from in a minute on.

Girls just.shaving request for information, haha?

a woman can receive pregnant at ANY TIME DURING HER CYCLE. sperm lives for more or less 7 days surrounded by the uterus, which ability she could pretty confidently obtain pregnant.

Always, other, other use protection. Thing of it this means of access, do you want to be a daddy? No. WEAR PROTECTION

can a cold stoppage your interval?

never own unprotected sex, thats the dumbest entity i've hear. babies and STD's are the with the sole purpose things that come from that mistake. be more responsible if you are going to enjoy sex.

Can a fertility monitor minister to prevent unwanted pregnancy??

You're not married to her.
It ain't fine.

Sex is plentifully more than physical contact.

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dude gross!! if u dont want a kid use a condom, if you dont want a diease use a condom othewise MORE power to you!!

What does an impulsive time that last two weeks show when you're on birth control?

It be contained by the pool? Just so you know, sperm are really accurate swimmers.

Also, if her egg hasn't dropped on the other hand, you can still fertilize it.

You pick out name however? If you're unsuspecting to be a dad afterwards I suggest you stop have sex or swot how to use the proper protection

Hmmm my bra size?

My thoughts are that it be a remarkably desperate hypothesis and I hope that you will not do it again. Sorry, but I can't relaxation your mind on this. Sperm can ending for around 5 days surrounded by her and she could still obtain pregnant. Unprotected sex is never a moral notion unless you are trying to conceive a child.

I am pregnant and other fart. Did this surface to any of you?

as long as you're not using a condom, the likelihood of you carrying your own flesh and blood nine months next is pretty big.
dude, jump draw from a condom. isit that expensive to receive one?

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Freshness oblige! feeling guilty?

way to step. are you getting the picture all the same? DON'T HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX. or be an idiot, and hold 40 illegitimate children until that time you die of AIDS.

Women own you ever ?

Chance of Pregnancy during time of year is something around 0% because ovulation happen during 10th to 14th light of day of the cycle and if you have sex surrounded by the 2nd sunshine and the sperm could live for 7 days it still won't be alive to the day of ovulation.
The simply hazard is that during interval time the risk of infectious is so illustrious. She may not be pregnant but her genital parts could be infected.

Many question!?

It's not fine to do any dealing and ask for counsel after.

Learn the facts something like what you are doing since you do it....why put yourself and others at risk because of ignorance?
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