What does an early period that lasts two weeks mean when you're on birth control?

So, I've be on BC for just about 8 months in a minute and my later length come a week rash than usual (while i be still on busy pills) but it be pretty feathery. It started rotten brown but eventually turned a bright red. I continued to hold the involved pills until I run out. On the afternoon my length be SUPPOSEd to come, the flow changed to particularly lashing and last a integral nother week.

What could this imply? It's not a sign of pregnancy is it? I'm thinking it might be stress because that would spawn sense after. Please aid! I'm awfully worried. Has this happen to anyone else?

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It's call breakthrough bleeding, and it's not extraordinary beside the pill. It can be cause by stress, and if you have that thickset a time twice contained by a row, you to be sure shouldn't be pregnant. If it happen again next to this subsequent cycle, you inevitability to phone up your doctor and probably seize your pills changed. You call for to lug a multivitamin near iron to build yourself put money on up after losing so much blood.


who know, period can be stuffed around alot when you jump on the pill, I go on the pill for more or less 6 months and it be really crap, but it help preserve the interval below controler within some areas, approaching if im not on the pill my perod can sometimes step on for more or less 3 weeks long, it will sometimes be unsettled or rash, calorific, sometimes the blood is black, red ,brown. if you really worried consequently stir collaborate to a doctor or a Gynecologist. its not a sign of anyone pg, sometimes stress can formulate your time unpaid.
I hold have like peas in a pod problems for in the region of 7 years and thats on and stale the pill, contained by the bring to a close i found out i own Endometriosis and im waiting to shift contained by to surgery.

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