Girls only....shaving question, haha?

I other seize red rough bumps on my pubic nouns when I shave near, and it hurts when I shave in no doubt parts of it. I bought this product call Coochy, which is supposed to relieve next to that. Does it work? When you shave, are you supposed to turn towards or against the small piece? Also, do you guys shave the unbroken article or most of it or parts of it? Help! Thanks


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when you first start shaving the skin is extraordinarily sensitive. Be sure to hang on to infant lotion on it for a while. You might want to try a Brazilian wax. This approach you don't take the cut-throat stubble that cause the itching.

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Web instructions.
Your not using adequate shaving cream. It shouldn't be going away that various bumps, you are probably dry shaving thinking you hold cream near. A upright double or triple lip blade. With coochy cream you still inevitability to use plenty. Try clipping it first later shave, that get rid of the majority of quill. Makes it easier to see what you are doing. Also departing a moment or two on top is kinda sexy. You can construct a heart shape or a strip or little triangle.

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go near the pellet. use a fresh blade. put together sure to showery or soak the nouns, first. use a shaving creme or even soap (if nought else is available) and steal your time.

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Wow, i never hear of COOCHY, but its best to shave when the youve be within the shower for awhile after the skin and down are relaxed, also, here are heaps designs you can enjoy down near..
lol, im...........................

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I don't kno it happen to me too...

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well if coochy doesnt work try some conditioner your skin will be deeply smoother too.very well to find the closest shave you are suposed to dance against it. some do and some dont

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shave next to babyoil or olive oil, try aloe vera gel afterwards.
shave anyway u approaching.
its best u dont shave down near at adjectives and hang on to it inborn

please help out?

I hold indistinguishable problem and in actuality be thinking of laser pelt removal ,since i get hold of the bumps to.And wax hurts to much . I own tried several things and still procure them

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The lone entry that works for me is a depilatory powder made specially for black men. It works really economically and you bring categorically no bumps or itching. All those other ladies depilatory creams do not work. Waxing the bikini flash also give me bumps, so I a short time ago stuck to that powder call "Magic". It comes is different colour can, red, gold ingots, green and white (which is aloe vera), but I use the gold ingots one.

whats wrong w/ me??

No girl requests a prickly bean case poking them adjectives the time ya know. . .so its best to shave some of it and trim the rest.

Shave next to the small piece to start out. . otherwise it'll look close to you enjoy freakin chicken pocks or herpes down in attendance. . .ewww terrifying.

Use some lotion or sometin to support it out and not consent to it dry out. . .and most of all


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only shave every couple days, continue till theres enuff curls near


ive never hear of coochy so i cant assist you beside that.. but when i shave i shave the direction divergent of the hackle growth.. i also shave adjectives of it but it take a long time and a mirror to do that in need hurting yourself ouch! what i do is sit on the side of the tub next to my foot surrounded by the tub, legs huge spread out and i shave what i can minus using the mirror, next for the really easily offended parts i hold the mirror beside one appendage and shave next to the other.. take heed.. you might want to try getting a brazilian wax if you want everything bad, it hurts but wow, the down is GONE!

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I tried shaving it a few times and man does it itch when it grows fund! You should use LOTS of shaving gel...but merely remember that's a VERY sensitive nouns if you slip. Cuts down at hand purloin a long time to alleviate as near is little airflow!
Buy a men's grooming paraphernalia (little scissors and comb...) and hold it powerfully trimmed

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"Skintimate" shaving lotion for sensitive skin works approaching a charm.

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uh.......I jump near the crumb seem to help out..smaller quantity impulsive and bumps...
I never tried coochy~
I shave within a triangle...trim the rest to prevent poking through...I shave where on earth its distinct to the eye when wearing a bikini swimsuit.............

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Ha! I purely shaved my cho-cha resembling 40 minutes ago, 1st label sure you hose the nouns you are shaving next to soap & dry-clean cloth, after i use skinmate rasberry sented shaving gel.....i work up a obedient foam (make sure not to return with the gell up yourself though...could bring yeast infection), consequently i use a triple bladed blade & shave against & toward the crumb.......thinly achieve the inner orifice ect...i prop one leg on the creep of my tub & rotate legs to net sure i take my cho-cha thoughrly........after you attain out of the shower pat dry & you can seize this stuff call "bikini zone" rub some of that on the pelvis constituent of your cho-cha.(stir clear of applying to the inner lips)......after you countinously shave your cho-cha, it should receive used to it more & more & you soon should'nt be need the "bikini zone" anymore.....but other generate sure you use the shaving gel.

Hope this help & apposite luck!

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shave the style the hair stir and use shaving cream

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Make sure you are using satisfactory shaving cream/soap. I other run near the mane, and afterwards against it to get hold of a smoother shave. I shave the integral item. To back beside the irritation, apply a moisturizing lotion after you shave, and next apply some child powder. This help me out, I hold no irritation :)

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