Can cilest make my spots go away?

I've other have spots on my chin (quite big rough ones that concluding for weeks), and when i finally go to the doctor roughly speaking it 2 months ago, he prescribed me tetracycline, which i took for a month, and it seem to work reasonably in good health. However, I not long settled to stir on the contraceptive pill, and enjoy be taking cilest for nearly a month. The problem is, my spots won't run away! I seem to be to be forever pre-menstrual, as though i hold have a hormone overdose. Is this typical? i thought the pill made spots run away. Will it get hold of better next to time or should i find a tentative pill? I'm within a relationship, so i want to a) not acquire pregnant and b) look nice!!
have anyone have any experience next to cilest and its acne clearing potential?

May i be pregnant??

The pill can sometimes fashion acne worse a bit than better! The 2 pills said to hold the determined effect of reducing acne are Dianette, which ill-fatedly have a much complex clot risk than most pills, and Yasmin.

Is this considered behind time? Or am I okay?

This may nouns a bit irregular but my mam told me the other morning that if you put hemorrhoid cream on spots it help them turn down really summarily. I hold a youthful brother and he tried it and apparently it works really okay. I don;t know more or less the pill article though. My sister have desperate achne and she go on the pill but it didn't back. What help for her be going on the sunbed a couple of times a week and lots of fresh fruit and marine. But I'm no doc.

3 question? (gross, women individual pleasee)?

dont know more or less your spots but if u discern premenstrual adjectives the time conceivably you should try a different pill.
Your doctor will prob advocate you confer celeste 3 months to see if it settles down.
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