Any Ideas on this mystery illness?

For almost a month immediately I’ve be experiencing several unexpected symptoms… some own be going on for longer- some shorter. My doctor know nearly some of them… the others she doesn’t know going on for because I haven’t made an appointment however. Anyone know what may explanation adjectives or some of these symptoms? For nearly a month I haven’t be competent to sleep markedly all right, I’m exhausted adjectives daylight but when I turn to bed around 10 pm I can’t dribble asleep. I lay here until going on for 1 am finally tip out asleep and wake up up at 6:30 for work. I own also be semi-nausiated for give or take a few 3 weeks. It comes and goes- and it doesn’t interrupt my each day life- newly annoying. Recently I hold also be urinating a lot- especially beforehand I step to bed. Last dark I used the restroom 4 times within 90 minutes… and it wasn’t purely for a moment respectively time. I enjoy also be moderately achy… taking two advil nearly every time, (only for the pas week or so)

I’m also thinking I might enjoy an swelling. My abdomen- right underneath my gone ribcage hurts… burns… aches… every very soon and afterwards, but it comes and go and seem to catch better when I guzzle. Any thinking on what wrong?

Negative blood oral exam any prospect of mortal pregnant?

It may not be simply one point. Not anyone competent to sleep sounds resembling anxiety contained by turn you are fatigued the subsequent time which would make happen your other symptoms. The frequent urination can be any one of several things. Such as a UTI, a scraggy bladder, diabetes.

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Any possibility of a pregnancy?

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Sounds similar to you are pregnant to me.
is this possible?

Girls just plz?

It could simply be depression. This would inflict adjectives of your symptoms. Also pregnancy would. Have you started taking medication of any sort save for advil? The advil could be the problem next to your belly. Are you ingestion 3 meal a year? Try to munch through at tiniest 3 meal a daytime and see if it help. Headaches? It could even be a bladder or urinary tract infection. Any frenzy? There are so copious possibilities. I would hold the doc do blood work to see what it could be.

Im thinking of have the chop to forfill my desire to be an perfect women ! any oblige please?

If a pregnancy is possible, after you should be tested without beating about the bush. I've have 2 kids, and this description really take me spinal column...

However, the distress suggests a possible ectopic pregnancy - a fertilized egg trapped contained by the fallopian tubes - which could be noxious to you. See a doctor instantly.

What could be wrong near a womanly who have not have a term surrounded by a long time and is not pregnant?

Could be some sort of virus or something similar to that

If i am lactose intolerant and can't put away yogurt, how else can i bring back my L acidophilus count up dignified?

Could it be severe stress?
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