Negative blood test any chance of being pregnant?

i am 23 days behind schedule today and am usually regular, i enjoy have my extent come past due sometimes if im stressed but not more than 3 or 4 days, i am within no aching, glum on blood testing, is near anyway i could still be pregnant? my aunt told me she have 7 cynical blood test beside my cousin but that be 30 years ago, have anyone ever gotten a positive result after distrustful blood exam, what else could it be, i dont presume its stress, i own a doctors appt subsequent week simply want some guidance, gratitude also the blood trial be when i be 17 days late


Organsms when sleeping?

There could definately be a possibility that you are. My sister have a theory test done, and it be denial. Three weeks subsequently she found out she be pregnant. Scary, but hang about and see. Good Luck!

why does your obverse break out when you achieve your length?

there might still be a possiblity, but I would unquestionably speech to your OB/GYN...they will know the right answer after an exam.

this my 2nd time or what?

I hold have several cynical blood check to find out a month then I be pregnant. It simply depends on your hCG level. I be approaching that 2 out of 4 pregnancys.
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