What type of shot hurts the worst adn what type doesn't hurt?

i tight-fisted approaching tecknis? hepitias , gardasil? wat?and does gardasil hurt? create i get 4 shots 2 daytime abd yeah idk which one it be... i hold 2 catch 2 more

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A lot of the adjectives shots that you mentioned are not that uncomfortable. Of those, I would speak tetanus may be the worst but it is not that desperate. If it is the agony that you are worried going on for, report to them you would prefer the injection/s in your backside. It sounds contradictory because a short time ago the words "butt shots" have a movement to strike terror but believe me it hurts much smaller amount.

You are a reporter doing a live report from a crowded shopping shopping arcade almost something routine, next suddenly?

Tetanus seem to hurt more than any other.

Morning after pill press?

yellow hallucination, cholera and Gamma globulin hurt resembling crazy...
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