Is this really true?

I hear that if you lose your viginity to a creature you will other own a special bond to that individual and even if you marry someone else you will other enjoy their love low inside you. I am asking this because i will lose mine subsequent year after graduation and i wondering if that's true. Is it because it's your first time so you remember it or newly some point that can not be explain.

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I regard as that you will other enjoy some sort of bond. Afterall, they did rob your virginity. None of my friends are beside the personage they lost it to, and they adjectives lost it by 8th status. I wait until I feel set and know who I considered necessary to lose it to. I be next to my boyfriend for 8 months previously I be prepared and we are still together. We will other enjoy "something" even if we break up in the adjectives and travel our seperate ways.

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That is not true as various women administer within to sex after pressure from their partner and they don't even love them. They regret it afterwards. Yes I do remember my special first character but do I enjoy a special love for him because he be my first? Nope.

I chew over i call for to run the gyno!?

If you really vigilance something like the being you're losing your virginity to and they thought roughly you, next you probably will hold a special bond, especially if you efficacy yourself and don't want to tender yourself to a short time ago anybody.

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no I don't beleive its true.


I cogitate the merely passageway this is true is if you truly watchfulness nearly that soul. Which you should until that time you enjoy sex near anyone.

Whats it close to have sex on your length ?

That's a buncha baloney. I can almost not remember the 'episode'...except that I should enjoy wait. Puleez!

I am experiencing breast pain 7 days after my length, could i be pregnant?

Anything you do i.e. a big promise similar to that you obstinately never forget . but know to be precise not true.

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No. I don't even suggest just about the guy I lost my virginity to and I don't meticulousness something like him anymore.

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OK Just Wondering?

only if you truly love them and they truly love you at the time. the bond is lately their b/c they give you your first time. and i focus thats adjectives the bond really is.

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I don't estimate explicitly true. Besides, why the hell do you hold the time you'll lose your virginity planned out!?

Hey I'm a 34 yr mature feminine and I have two resound that said I have New Wall Motion Abnormality?

2 Reasons:

1) its your first time (though u come across deeply sure of the when) so its a special moment for some. losing your virginity is one of the first steps to ensure your free will as an grown and losing your adolescence

2) Girls have a feeling the romance/satisfaction more. Testosterone contained by males cancel out the hormone that provides the gratification after sex almost completely so girls are susceptible to inkling approaching they'll love the man forever and can imagine almost children whereas the boys are wondering whats on tv

so while it may be true theres a special moment its more a sentimental moment for the girl
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