How do antibiotics affect the pill?

just wondering because i heard that it affects. true?

sexual issues?

It depends on what compassionate of pill you are taking and what kind of antibiotics. The most recent information I've read is that it is possible, but unlikely. Still, do you really want to bet on it?

I recommend that women use a put money on up method during their course of antibiotics and for a week afterwards.

What actually is artificial by the antibiotics is the gut bacteria, this is turn can fade absorption of the estrogen within birth control pills. Also it's possible that the antibiotics may affect how the estrogens are processed through the liver.

Other medications besides antibiotics can affect birth control pills. Check near your pharmacist, he/she can review your medication history and help you out.

Pain during sex?


How adjectives is bleeding during sex? im scared?

it is true
i would speak near your doctor or nurse at your local family planning. and use a condom in recent times to be safe.

What is your belief of a "fruity" body order?

Some antibiotics can formulate the pill ineffective, making you unprotected when you think you really are. Thats why its so substantial to tell your dr. around all medication that your currently taking so that he can better inform you .

I want to shift on the pill to skip one due the day i step away?!?

True. It can make the pill not as potent.

Certain antibiotics can interact with birth control pills, making the birth control pills smaller amount effective and pregnancy more imagined. Spotting - or ‘mid-cycle’ bleeding - may be the first sign that an antibiotic is interfering with the worth of your birth control pills.

To help women avoid pregnancy while taking an antibiotic - and for at most minuscule one week afterward - doctors generally recommend they use a condom or spermicide as a back-up method of birth control.

Personal experience- Taking birth control be also taking antibiotics and I bled continually for 3 weeks. As soon as I stopped the antibiotics, I stopped bleeding.

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