
I know that this Gardasil shot is around and prevents/protects u from cervical cancer, but is a shot, pill, what? how frequent times do i necessitate to find it? and do insurance companies cover it?

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It is 3 shots over a time of 6 months. I don't regard as oodles companies cover it lately even so because of how tentative it is. I hear it costs around $400 for the 4 shots (in canada). If you are canadian, it is not even so covered by OHIP unless you are a title 8 student. I meditate it will be more covered as time go on and more research is done on it. I know I am waiting to take my shot to see if in attendance are any cynical strength effects of it.

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It's a 3 series shot. Some insurance companies covers it and some don't. You'll own to ring up up your insurance company to find out their restrictions.

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Gardasil is a 3 shot program, if you will. It is given in the upper arm of your choice. After the first injection, you acquire the second one 2 months latter and after from that one, 6 months latter...or it could be the other road around, I forgot. I am not too sure on if insurance companies cover, I know mine did. But if they dont, the series is around $300.

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Gardasil is a vaccine against four types of HPV (there are hundreds of different strains of HPV). The clinical testing show that it prevents pre-cancerous lesion and assume it will prevent cervical cancer. There is no concrete proof that it will prevent cervical cancer. Tests are still individual done.
It is a thoroughly clean vaccine. The oldest clinical trialling is close to 5 years. It's a series of 3 shots and costs around $360 (varies beside insurance).
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