I'm now getting my first period, but why does my stomach hurt so much?

I've be getting some symptoms for fairly awhile presently I finally own my interval, but one problem: my stomach is a living hell. If I don't chomp through it hurts. When I put away, I grain similar to im gonna puke. When I procure done ingestion, I get the impression worse than previously. What does that plan?

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It's totally module of the undamaged "extent process". Don't verbs. During your extent your belly is contracting, cause cramps, stomach pains, ect. Hormones can also motivation chance symptoms. I get hold of super nauseas two weeks past I commence and afterwards experience symptoms similar to yours the first hours of daylight or two. Once you enjoy your cycle more, you'll cram your body's pattern. But most importantly, don't verbs!

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ur probably getting cramps, sermon to u mom or to a doctor give or take a few it.

Help, girls! I suppose I'm becoming a doormat!?

my friend have this once she get sick and therew up when she have her interval.but this could be somthing more serious move about to your doctor lately to produce sure.best wishes

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oh my gosh i have duplicate problem! when i get my first length, it be contained by april, right after easter, so i thought the cause my stomach be hurting be because i have eat too much cand, but really i be getting my interval.
everyone have different problems during their period -- adjectives race are different -- thats why they enjoy add for pamprin max. I know what you get the impression resembling -- you cant jump anywhere or do anything in need wanting to curl into rather globe! But it will be over once your interval is, i promise, and its totally intuitive!

Girls individual!!?

Your term can sometimes effect constipation or diarrhea. It's completely commonplace to consistency sick to your stomach during the first daytime or two. It's central to get through though.

It also could be cramps. Being that this is your first spell, it will be enormously firm to numeral out which is which. Take and aspirin. See if it go away.

Cramps will turn away near a honest pain reliever. Stomach pains will not.

If you don't drink and stay very well hydrated during your interval, you could blackout/pass out. This is markedly adjectives within infantile woman.

Please sustain me!?

aww hun that sucks. i know how you grain. sumtimes it happen past your interval sometimes it happen after your time usually it happen during your spell. but its really doomed to failure on your first interval because your body is getting on the same wavelength so it can facilitate clash it better and later next on, approaching on your 3rd abd 4rth length it might still hurt but it wont be as bleak. i suggest chitchat to your mom or doctor if its excruciating spasm otherwise basically pop a midol drink some marine and ride it out.
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