Does the contraceptive pill kill a woman's libido?


What would crop up.?

The date sheet for adjectives combined pills includes a comment that libido change up and down, can go off.

having cramps still even after time of year..?

Rumour have it that yes, but it vary from female to female. ive be on it for 2 years and i wouldnt say aloud my libido hsa gone, i deduce its increased. however, it does net you moody!

Please speak about me more around viginal discharges?

yes it does, is prooved

Was it intricate?!?

Unfortunately yes, it type of defeat the purpose of anyone on it!

Possible cause for feminine curls loss ?

Yes, I've found it does - even though my GP be not convinced!

I go on it twice, for around a year respectively time and both times, in a few months I started losing interest in sex and found it easier said than done to gain aroused. it get worse over time until I give rotten and started using another method.

Try using a lower dosage possibly?

Wanted to know if masturbation can bring infertility in woman?

Yup, its kill mine.

What is a colopsy and biopsy for?

For some, yes.

It have different effects on everyone...
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