Please tell me more about viginal discharges?


I have loproscopy surgery?

For a womanly, it is mundane to hold a vaginal discharge of some sort on a daily basis. The consistancy and amount of it will metamorphose according to the phase of the menstrual cycle. It is usually white and is a slight amount after your interval, during ovulation it will be more copious and will be clear and stringy, etc. Please see this site for more detailed information:

Now, if after reading this, you determine that your amount is not usual, or anytime your discharge have a foul odor or cause you discomfort (itching, twinge, etc), build an appointment to see your gynecologist.

You be not awfully specific near your cross-examine so, if more information is needed than what the cooperation or I provided, please do not be afraid to email me. I will backing if I can.
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