Was it hard...?!?

was it unyielding to report to your parent or guardian more or less your first interval.?! it be kinda complicated for me to relay my mom but i finally get through and i kinda give attention to getting my time of year have gotten us closer

What's wrong near her?

It wasn't not easy for me. But I read lots of question here from girls that are anxious to relate their moms. it's majority.

And I regard as you are right, it does be paid you surface a touch closer to share something personal similar to that.

I simply have a long conversation beside my step-daugher roughly speaking sex (she's 25 and married) but seem her mom never told her much nearly sex.

How oodles of you women own have breast implant?

NO, my Mom be thankful for me.

Hi i be wandering if pad or tampons are better?

Well, not really. I in recent times told my mom, because we're really close to open next to.. So yeah. And plus, my sister help me;;

is it really 10,000 for breast implant?

No. My mom give me the chitchat in the region of my length until that time I have it, so when I did catch it I lately told her that I needed some pad. My mom is pretty cool, so I've be competent to speech to her give or take a few anything.

Is it apposite to be on the pill at 16?

it be def concrete for me but consequently after i told her she be totally supportive and give me a hug

I enjoy not have a menstrual cycle surrounded by 7 weeks but I am not pregnant. What's wrong near me?

i told my mom flat out, i be laughing in the order of it, so i didn't even conjecture something like it when i told her.

Breast implant..?

yes. i told my mom over the phone while she be at work. this be easier on me but i muse my mom cried...

My wife keep getting migraine every month, she is 45 and I mull over it conceivably hormonal.?

For me, no. But I do know lots of girls who enjoy EXTREME difficulties recounting within mom.

What are the pros and cons of a epidural ?

Don't um and ah contained by recitation.it's a highlight into your womanhood and your mom will remember when it happen to her and she will also know that you are not somewhat girl anymore, but a childlike woman. it's a highlight resembling your 16th birthday, your first prom, graduation, etc. It's a crude human occurrance to be exact nought to be ashamed of. Your mom should bestow you a big hug!

What are the side effects of birth control pills? and what are they for?

nope, i told my mom, she be glad and said "ur turning into a women". lol. corny, i know. i started in 5th echelon which plentiful girls haven't started by consequently.
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